24th July … [ADD DATA]
24th July 1637
'''Phillipus Calloe''' de Vivitate Bristoll Cooper etatis 20<br />
annorum aut circiter testis in hac parte productus iuratus et<br />
Ad wuintum arlum allgeationis ex parte did Harris et Jollye in hac parte dat<br />
ey oblat That within the tyme arlate, the arlate Lewes Dyer the Carpenter<br />
of the arlate shipp the ''Blessinge'', and Nicholas Chope the Boatswaynesmate with the consent of Phillip Luxon the master in this deponents presence and sighte did whilest the sayd shipp was at<br />
James Towne in Virginia breake open a case with five bottes of stronge waters<br />
in it, and each of the sayd bottles contayned a pottle and a pinte of<br />
stronge waters or thereabouts, which bottles they carryed up into the sayd Luxons<br />
Cabyn and there dranke the same out with the helpe of the sayd Luxon and<br />
his mate James Sherland, and the arlate Richard Bewce John Martyn<br />
and William fferrett, and the sayd Chope forced him this deponent to goe up<br />
into the masters Cabyn to drincke part therof, alsoe there was a rundlett of<br />
aquavite drancke out at James Towne aforesayd contayninge sixe<br />
gallons and a halfe, which was soe drancke out (as hee beleeveth) by the<br />
master and his mate and the rest of the partyes before mentioned, for that this<br />
deponentw as forced by the sayd master and his mate to drawe two or three bottles<br />
of teh sayd Acquavite for their drinckinge, and another<br />
rundlett of sacke contayninge sixteene gallons or therabouts, was (as he<br />
beleiveth drancke or drawne out in Virginia by the company of the sayd shipp for<br />
that the head of the sayd rundlett was beaten out and the day<br />
before it was soe beaten out this deponent sawe that the sayd rundlett was thighte<br />
and stauncg, alsoe this deponent sayeth that whilest the sayd shipp was at<br />
Virginia the sayd Luxon. Sherland, Newce, fferrett Chope Dyer<br />
and Martyn at severall tymes went downe into the hould of the sayd<br />
shipp and tooke handfulls of the merchants reasons of the sunne<br />
currence and pruens, and did eate the same, not withstandings, and did eate the same, not withstanding +