did ever promise this deponent any thinge … did ever promise this deponent any thinge to come to speake or be examined<br />
in this cause/
By mee Samuell Jorden [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]
dro die/
hamond con ffermes/
[?Rp X X]
'''Thomas Moore''' de Wappinge in Comitatu Middlesex nauta aetats 35 annorum<br />
aut circiter testis in hac parte productus iuratus et examinatus./
Ad primum secundum et reliques arlos allons ex parte dicti ffermes in [?hXXXX]<br />
causa dat et damiss, dicit et deponit That about two yeares and a halfe<br />
since the arlate shipp called the ''Abraham'' of London (whereof the arlate<br />
Henry ffermes was master) beinge at anchor in the Roade of Mevis in the West<br />
ndyes, one Captayne Hurleston (who was a planter on that Island)<br />
came abord the sayd shipp, And seized uppon the Chest and apparell and<br />
sea Instruments, and a sword, which belonged unto Thomas Hamond<br />
one of the masters mates of the saiyd shipp
<br />
Signum dru '''M''' Moore./ [MARKE, RH SIDE]
dro die./
'''Thomas ffarrant''' servus Richardi Haddocke precinctus [?turis]<br />
London nauta, aetatis 20 annorum aut circiter testis in hac parte productus<br />
iruatus et examinatus
[ADD DATA]br />
iruatus et examinatus