First transcribed
22 December 2017 +
First transcriber
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233 +
Parent volume
HCA 13/53 +
Recto +
Uploaded image; partially transcribed on 22/12/2017 +
Phillip CareLes [SIGNATURE, RH … [ADD DATA]
Phillip CareLes [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]
5th July 1637.
Hutchinson con Bennett et al.}
'''Rp J m'''
'''Jacobus Stone''' comorans in edibus Thomas ffree in<br />
Towerstreet London mercator aetats 26 annorum aut circiter<br />
testis in hac parte productus iuratus et examinatus.
Ad primum arlum allius ex parte Bernnett Jones et Sabyn in<br />
that parte dat et oblat nescit deponere savinge he sayeth that he hath seene<br />
the will of the arlate William Hutchinson deceased in Virginia, remayninge<br />
in the Court of Virginia uppon Record by which it appeareth that the arlate<br />
Richard Benett Anthony Jones and Robert Sabyn were made overseers<br />
[ADD DATA]verseers<br />
Transcription image
[[File:DSC_100D3300_0473.jpg|thumbnail|800px|none|link=Special:TranscriptionInterface/DSC_100D3300_0473.jpg|[[:HCA 13/53|HCA 13/53]] f.233r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window +
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HCA 13/53 f.233r Annotate +
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, HCA 13/53 f.233r Annotate +
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24 February 2018 12:40:22 +