Pitt against Mayer.}
The personall answer … Pitt against Mayer.}
The personall answeres of '''Wiliam Maior'''<br />
made to the and and 27th positions of a pretensed libell<br />
in fact given and admitted against him<br />
on the parte and behalfe of Thomas<br />
Pitt James Marshall and Ricarde<br />
Westcombe followe videlicet/
To the sixt pretensed position hee answeareth and<br />
beleiveth that after the unladeing of the shipp<br />
arlate at the Barbathoes the voyage arlate,<br />
Richard dennrs the factor of the alate Thomas<br />
Pitt, and James marshall, did there lade aboard<br />
the shippe arlate, with the proceede of the goods arlate, or of<br />
some other goods (as hee beleiveth) of the arlate<br />
Pitt and marshall, for the accompt of the said<br />
Pitt and Marshall, Eight butts and twelve hoggsgeads<br />
of muscavado sugar, and .1265. Rolls, and three<br />
Bales of Tobaccoe many whereof were smalle<br />
and not above three or fowre pound a peice, the<br />
butts and hogsheads of sugar being marked and<br />
numbred as is arlate, but the Rolls of Tobaccoe<br />
were not marked (as hee beleiveth) to be transpor=<br />
ted to Bilboa arlate, and there to bee delivered<br />
to their factors or factor of the arlate Pitt and<br />
marshall, accordinge to the Bill of Ladeing<br />
thereof made, And hee beleiveth that the schedule<br />
arlate, being one of the Bills of Ladeing signed<br />
by this rendent, for the same, was at the<br />
(Barbadoeshe same, was at the<br />
(Barbadoes +