125 23:th of October 1654<br />
XX … 125 23:th of October 1654<br />
To the right honorable the Lords XXXXX for the greate Seale<br />
of England
XXXXXX XXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXX your honors your dayly Orator Tobell Aylmer of London Citizen and Draper That where Edward Cloville of West Haningfield in y:e County of Essex XXXX about the beginning of June in the yeare of our Lord one
thousand six hundred fourty seaven, having acquaintance with your Orator and pretending great occations to use a considerable summ of money, and having then some XXXXXX upon him, and being indebted as he then pretended to XXXXX ?with XXXXXXXX
summs of money which he did then pretend that he had a desire to dischargde, and affirming unto your Orator that he had a good estate of freehold in the Mannor of Westhaningfeild, and in severall lands and tenem:ts thereto belonging in the
County of Essex of the yearely value of six score poundes by the yeare, and upwards, He the said Edward did proposXXXXX to your Orator to furnish him y:e said Clovile, with three hundred poundes where by he XXXXth XXXX and disingagXX
himselfe from all other persons and he did offer to make your Orator a Lease of his said Mansion House in Wethaningfeild and other the landes and premisses, in consideration of the summe, and did faithfully promisse your Orator
that he would satisfy or otherwise discharge in such Judgements Statutes and other incumbrances whatsoever, which might make the said Lands and tenemen:ts, or any part of them in any wise liable to or charged with
any the debts of him the said Clovile to any person or persons whatsoever where upon your Orator at the earnest desire and request of the said Edward Clovile, and for his present advantage: and for the payment and
dischardge of his said debts and incombrances aforesaid did contract with the said Edward Clovile for a lease of the said capitall messuage and premisses for fifteene yeares, if the said Edward Clovile shouldsoe long live
and in pursuance thereof your Orator did pay unto the said Clovile the summ of three hundred poundes And the said Clovile by Indenture dated on or about the thirteenth day of July in the yeare of our Lord one thousand
six hundred fourty and seaven did ?devise grant bargaine and sell to your Orator all that his Capital messuage or Mansion house commonly called Clovile Hall, with the appurtenances in the parish of Westhaningfeild
aforesaid, and alsoe all those lands called the parke conteyning by estimaccon fourescore acres more or less being ?parrcell of the said Mannor, lyeing and being in the parish of West hanningfeild aforesaid, To have and to
hold, unto your Orator and his assignes from the ffeast of the Nativity of S:t John the Baptist then last past, Unto the end and Terme of fifteene yeares if the said Clovile should soe long live at the yearely rent of one
pepper corne, if demanded as by the said lease if your Orator had the same to produce in or at large ?in right and would appeare: By vertue of which said Lease, your Orator was legally possessed of the said
Messuage and premisses and having paid the said fine of three hundred pounds ought in all equity and good conscience to have enioyed the same, and to have taken and received the rentes yssues and profitts
thereof: But now ?soe it is may it please your L:pps that the said Edward Clovile after he had received the sd three hundred poundes from your Orator did not onely refuse to deliver your Orato possession
of the said Capital Messuage landes and tenements aforesaid but intending to ?deceive your said Orator of his moneys and of all interest and benefitt that he might have in the said Lands ?shall
by indirect meanes: not onely kept the possession of the said Capital Messuage from your Orator by the space of seaven yeares last past and hath taken all the profitts thereof to his owne use, but hath alsoe by
sinister meanes got into his handes and possession the said originall Indentures of Lease made unto your Orator of the premisses as aforesaid, where by your Orator was and is disabled to recover the
same at Law and in further ??presentation of his ?ewell Intentions to your Orator he the said Edward Clovile hath combined and confederated with ??Joane ??Riddrseall widd the relict and exe:x of ???John
??Riddrseall her late husband deceased and Edward ??Baffe Citizen and [copyist has left a blank in document] of London and with other persons to your Orator not knowne: whose names he prayes may be inserted into this bill with XXXX
words to charge them: when they shall be discovered: And they the said [ADD TEXT]
of his said messuages and Lands during the whole terme to him demised, and [ADD TEXT]
estates thereof among themselves or they have sett up severall pretended [ADD TEXT]
against the said Edward Clovile in the court of upper bench in the yeare XX [ADD TEXT]
the combinaccon aforesaid and at the solicitaton of the said ??Baffe hath caused [ADD TEXT]
tooke out a writt of Elegit against the said Edward Clovile and upon an XXX [ADD TEXT]
the XXXX to find him the said Edward Clovile to be seised of the said messuage [ADD TEXT]
the sd Sherriffe to extend the said Capitall Messuage all the landes and tenements [ADD TEXT]
deliver seisin and possession thereof to some person unknowne to your Orator [ADD TEXT]
anytime since seised of any other landes and tenements then XXXX [ADD TEXT]
the said Clovile himselfe and at the charges of him or the said Edward [ADD TEXT]
Clovile or the said Joseph Kidderseall, was without any consideraton and not [ADD TEXT]
money due ?thereon and the said XXXXX ought to be discharged and [ADD TEXT]
having conference with your Orator concerning your Orators being then XXXX XXXX of possession for about the space of five yeares your Orator XXXXX some excepton in XXX
would take some course at Law or otherwise to receive his possession of the premisses as in iustice and equity was lawfull to him to doe, he the said Clovile then threatened your Orator and bid
him take what he course he would for that he the said Clovile knew XXXX enough to keepe your Orator out of possession and that there were more Judgements against him the said Clovile before
the said Lease, which then lay dormant but should be XXXXX time enough to hinder your Orator or used words to that effect, and according to that expression, he the said Edward Clovile hath since
that time by the combinaccon aforesaid procured the said Judgm:t to be ???relieved, and the ??presencon aforesaid to be had there upon and the said Clovile doth at his owne charge defend and
maintaine the pretended title which he hath sett on foot (OR, feet) and doth still keep up, in the name of the said Joane Kidderseall and yet in the meane time he himselfe continues in the
possession of the said messuage lands and premisses and takes and receives to his owne use the profit of the same or some great part thereof and the residue thereof by the combinaccon
aforesaid is divided betweene ye said Joane Kiddersoall and the said Edward ?Basse or some of them. And he the said Clovile hath given out speeches that if your Orator should not XXX this judgm:t yet he
can charge the said messuage lands and tenements with severall other Judgm:ts for considerable sums of money: one at the suite of one [scribe has left a blank in the original] XXXXX, one other Judgm:t at the suite of XXXXXXX
an other at the suite of one [scribe has left a blank in the original] Crossing XXXXX against him the said Clovile before the lease made to your Orator as aforesaid which he thretenes to sett on ??foot And further sayes that he
cares not what your Orator can doe against him: XXX that he having taken his oath upon the late suite XXXXXX Art. for releife of prXXXXXXX y:t he the said Clovile is not worth five poundes your Orator
cannot deteyne him in prison for any debt due to him Soe that your Orator by these direct and indirect meanes and combinaccon is likely to be ??defrauded of his whole money to his very wrong and
oppression: and contrary to all equity and good conscience. In tender consideraccon whereof, and fo y:t your Orator is remedilesse at the Common Law to discover in whose hands and custody the said Lease
is, or to compell the said Edward Clovile Joane XXXidoall and Edward ?Xasse, and other the said confederates to discover what Judgm:ts or other ??incumbrances there is upon the said messuage Landes and
other the demised premisses and whether the same be reall or wholy feigned to defraud your Orator, nor can your Orator be ??reseined against the said Judgm:t or against the said combinaccon but by the ?iustice and equity of ?XXXX
hon:ble Court: To the end therefore the said Edward Clavile Jeane Kiddersoale and Edward Xasse and other the said confederates when they are XXXXXX may true and perfect Answeare make to all and every XXXXXXXXXXXXXX
that they may sett forth upon what consideraton the said XXXX was obteyned and how much money is really and bona fide due thereupon & by whose meanes & at whose charges the same hath bin of late XXXXXXXXXX and sett XXXXX
w:t other lands and tenements this said Edward Clovile was at the time of the obteyning of the XXXX iudgm:t or at any time since seized of; And to the end that they may sett forth w:t other Judgem:ts XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
part thereof proceeding your Orators title, and to the end your Orator may be restored and settled in the ?peaceable and quiet possession of the premisses and may have satisfaccon unto him for XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
the XXXXXXXXXXX of the said Lease and may by order of this honob:le Court enioy the same during y.e continuance thereof free from all incumberances & to the end your Orator XXXXXXXXXXX
limited personally to be and appeare before your honors in the high Court of Chancery
equity and good conscience and your Orators shall pray XXX
Geo: Lee and your Orators shall pray XXX
Geo: Lee +