Saint Stephen Coleman Street

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This page summarises data in the MarineLives wiki regarding the parish of Saint Stephen Coleman Street.

The parish of Saint Stephen Coleman Street is located in London.

This table aggregates data from all semantic biographies in the MarineLives wiki relating to the parish of Saint Stephen Coleman Street
Full nameFirstnameLastnameBirth yearBirth placeRes streetRes parishRes townRes countyOccupationMariner occupationHas literacyDep start
Johannes BasfordJohannesBasford1618Saint Stephen Coleman StreetLondonTobacconistMarkeHCA 13/73 f.534r Annotate
Thomas BlandThomasBland1624Saint Stephen Coleman StreetLondonScrivenerSignatureHCA 13/71 f.110r Annotate
Thomas SharpeThomasSharpe1630Saint Stephen Coleman StreetLondonMerchantPurserSignatureHCA 13/71 f.173r Annotate