MRP: Sir Abraham Shipman will
Sir Abraham Shipman will
PROB 11/317 Hyde 57-107 Will of Sir Abraham Shipman 18 July 1665
Editorial history
15/01/12, CSG: Created page
[hide]Abstract & context
This is a bizarre will.
Sir Abraham Shipman made his will shortly before he departed England for India, to possess the islad of Bombay on behalf of Charles II. He refers to his son and daughter, William and Elizabeth Shipman, who he appoints his executors. However, he does not name his wife, who nevertheless was living. His wife appears to have been Dame Mary Shipman, for whom Sir Abraham was a second husband. Secondary sources suggest that Damy Mary Shipman married Thomas Lee, Esq., as her third husband on February 18th, 1666/67, at St. Mary's. Islington
Suggested links
See 20th December 1662, Letter from Abraham Shipman to Sir GO
See 21st September 1663, Letter from Abraham Shipman to Sir GO
See 29th November 1663, Letter from Abraham Shipman to Sir GO, Angdeeva
To do
(1) Transcribe this will
IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN I S:r Abraham Shipman Knight being of perfect health and memory and being minded suddainely to undertake a voyadge into East India and consideringe the many perills my life may be exposed to therein in contemplacon thereof doe this ffoure and Twentieth day of March Anno domini 1661 make and publish this my last will and testament And doe hereby revoake all and every former and other wills and will by me made:
FFIRST whereas I am possessed and interessed by letters Patent under the great Seale of England beareing ?teste at Westminster the six and twentieth of January in the Twelfeth yeare of the Raigne of his Ma:tie that now is of and in One Lighthouse and beacon at or in a place called Dungenness in the County or on the Coast of the County of kent togeather with the contribucon thereunto belonginge for the terme of One and Thirty yeares to XXXXX from and after the experacon surrender forfeitire or other determinacon of a former Patent thereof granted to S:r Edward Howard Knight I doe will and devise all my said Estate & Interest in the said light house and Beacon with the Contribucon thereunto belonginge unto my sonne William Shipman upon condicon and to the intent neverthelesse that he shall within One yeare after the p:rmisses shall or may fall into his possession pay and satisfie unto his sister my daughter Elizabeth Shipman in case she shall be then liveing Eight hundred pounds of lawfull English money, but in case the said Elizabeth Shipman shall not be then liveing & not otherwise ffive hundred pounds of like lawfull money But in case my said daughter shall live untill the said eight hundred pounds grow due to her and become payable Then my will is that my said sonne shall pay unto my said wife at the end of one yeare after he sall or may become possessed of the p:rmisses only Two hundred pounds and not the said summe of ffive hundred pounds And I doe will & devise that the p:rmisses shall stand and be chargeable and lyable in my said sonnes hands to the payment of the said severall & respective summes in case the same or either of them shall become due & payable as aforesaid, Also I doe give and bequeath unto my said sonne all the rest and residue of my goods cattells andchells & psonall Estate whatsoever And in case it shall soe happen that my said sonne depte this life
before me I doe will and devise all my Estate and Interest in the said Lighthouse and Beacon and the contribucon thereunto belonginge And all other my goods XXX & psonall Estate whatsoever unto my said daughter she payinge thereeeout to my said wife, within one yeare after she shall or may be possessed of the said Lighthouse & beacon with th'appurtenances the summe of ffive hundred pounds in case my sd wife be then liveing and not otherwise. And also at the sayd time to and amongst such child or children which I shall have by my said wife that shall be then liveing in case any be then liveing and not otherwise the summe of five hundred pounds to be equally devided amongst sich Children y:f there bee more than one & if but one then the whole ffive hundred pounds to that one child And lastly I doe of this my said last will and testament constitute and appoynt my said sonne and daughter to be my executors desireing them that they will take care to see the same truely pformed accordinge to my intention herein declared
IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF I hvae hereunto put my hand and seale the day and yeare first above written
Signed Sealed and published in the p:rsence of us after the blottinge out of the word not in the Three and Twentieth line of the other sheet
AXXXX: K?orke, Law:r ?Kerks, Jo: Sannders John Vaughan
Possible primary sources
PROB 5/5471 SHIPMAN, William (account only) 1685
PROB 5/6155 SHIPMAN, William, [merchant, St Gabriel Fenchurch, London] (includes account) 1685
PROB 18/17/60 Probate lawsuit Shipman and Raworth v Colt, concerning the deceased William Shipman, merchant of St Gabriel Fenchurch, London. Allegation 1685
PROB 11/317 Hyde 57-107 Will of Sir Abraham Shipman 18 July 1665