MRP: George Seagar will
George Seagar will
PROB 11/173 Goare 1-58 Will of George Seagars, Gentleman of Wrotham, Kent 07 February 1637
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See Jane Noke will (daughter of George Segars)
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IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN, the Eighthe Daie of August in the Twelweth yeare of the raigne of our Soveraigne Lord Charles by the grace of God of England Scotland ffrance and Ireland Kinge defender of the faith x:r Anno Domini one thousand six hundred thirtie six, I George Seagars of Wrotham in the Countie of Kent gentleman the Xprofitable servant of God beinge of perfecte memorie thankes be given to Almightie God yet calling to mynde the frailtie if humane fleshe and the uncertiane continuance of the same in this world and beinge desirous soe to dispose and settle that small porcon And worldlie estate and goodes which it hath pleased my Heavenlie ffather to bestowe upon me towards my maintenance here in this worlde, As that the same may (if it shall soe please the Heavenlie giver thereof) be quietly inoyed after my decease by those wto whome I shall give and dispose the same doe make and ordaine This my present last will and testament in manner and forme followinge
FFIRST and principally I bequeath my soule into the handes of Allmightie God my maker and Executor and to his blessed Sonne Jesus Christ my aloane Savioure and Redeemer, hopinge And steedfastlie beleeiveinge through the MerrIts of his death and better passion to have pdon and remission, of my Synns And obteyne everlastinge life, And I bequeath my bodie to the earth from whence it came to be decentlie buried att the discretion of my executrix,
ITEM, I give and bequeath to the poore of the parrishe of Wrotham the some of Twentie shillings to be given And distributed att the discretion of my Executrix wither att my buriall or within one Moneth next after, And if it shall please god to end my Daies att some other place and nott att Wrotham Then I give and bequeath to the poore of that parishe where I shalbe buried the some of Tenn shillings more over and above the twentie shillings before bequeathed, to the poore of Wrotham, the same Tenn shillings to be paied to the Churchwardens on the daie of my buriall and to be that day by them given and distributed,
ITEM I givea nd bequeath unto my only Sonne George Seagars all my wearing appell whatsoever And all my bookes both in the Countrue , and in my Chamber att Cliffords Inn, excepte my greate bible and my other bible in my Studdy or Chamber att Cliffords Inn aforesaid, Provided neverthelesse and my will and meaneinge is that POSTHUMA my loveinge wife shall retaine all or any of my bookes which are in the Countrie which shee shalbe desirous to use and reade duringe her life, And I doe alsoe give unto her my greate bible before expressed duringe her life and after her decease I give and bequeath the same to my daughter Elizabeth Willy nowe widdowe, And I doe further give and bequeath into everie one of the children of my said daughter Willy by name, Jane, Elizabeth, and ffrances Willy the some of tenn poundes XXXX to be paed unto them by my Sonne George in manner and forme hereafter expressed, And I doe givea nd bequeath into my daughter ffrances ??Manne my bible in my chamber in Cliffords Inn before expressed,
ITEm I give and bequeath into my said Sonne George all my beddinge and all other goodes whatsoever in my Studdy and Chamber att Cliffords Inn aforesaid excepte my bible (before excepted and the peece of black cloth conteyninge fower yardes London measure lyinge in the Chest in my Studdie there, And I doe alsoe give and bequeath into my twoe youngest daughters Dorothie and Margarett Seagars the some of Threescore poundes apeece to be paid unto them on theire severall daies of marriage or within one moneth next after my executrix hereafter named, provided allwaies that my said daughters and either of them be ruled gouerned and directed by theire mother both in
theire educaccon and bestowinge in marriage soelonge as she shall live & afterward my my Overseers hereafter named and my Sonne george or the Survivor or Survivors of them And if either of my said daughters happen to departe this life before shee shall be married or if they or either of them shalbe stubborne or disobedient to their Mother in theire educaccon or shalbestowe her or themsellves in marriage without the consent of theire Mother if shee shalbe livinge, Or without the consent of my said Overseers, And my Sonne George or the survivor or survivors of them after the decease of my said wife Then my will and meaninge is that the legacie and porccon given to her or them soe dying or provinge disobedient in theire education or bestowinge her or themselves in marriage without consent as aforesiad shall goe unto the other that shall survive and be ?gouned as aforesaid, And if both of them dye before marriage or prove disobedient Then my will and meaneinge is that the porcons and legacies to them given shalbe equallie devided amongst my other daughters, Elizabeth, ffrancis martha, and Jane,
ITEM I give unto my loving kinsman Nicholas Segars of Maidstone the some of twentie shillings, And to my twoe servants William Manley and William Covell the some of Twentie shillings apeece,
ITEM I give and bequeath unto POSTHUMA my wife All my right title and interest which I have in the Inn in Wrotham called the George And all the residue of my goods and chattells whatsoever (except my plate hereafter mencconed my debts and funeralls discharged and legacies aforesaid paied I wholly give and bequeath unto Posthima my welbeloved wife whome I make sole executrix of this my last will and testament,
And as touchinge the disposicon of my lands and tenements,
FFIRST I give and bequeath unto the said Posthuma my Wife All my lands and tenements whatsoever for and duringe the tearme of her naturall lofe without impeachment of or for any manner of waste )if shee soe longe keepe herselfe solo and unmarried, But if shee happen to Marry againe after my decease then from and after such her intermarriage, I give and bequeath into her the howse in which I dwell with the ??khemplott, orchard, and three pcells of land thereunto belonging caled and knowne by the names of ??Upring Croft, Barrefeild and ?Kitchin field withall and singular thappurtenances for and duringe the tearme of her nrall life keeping and manteyninge the howses and buildings in good and sufficient reparaccons and not comitting any manner of waste in or upon the same messuage lands and premisses and after the decease of the said Posthuma my wife I give and bequeath the said messuage and three pcells of land last before mencconed withall and singular theire appurtenances unto the said George Segars my Sonn and to the heires males of his bodie lawfully begotten and dor want of such heore male, I wholly give and bequeath the same to my six daughters, Elizabeth, ffrances, Martha, Jane, Dorathie, and Margarett and to theire heires forever And from and after the decease of my said wife r her marriage, I give and bequeth all other my lands tenements and hereditaments whatsoever (excepte the said messuag and three pcells of lands last before mencconed unto my said sonne George Segars, and to his heires foreever the said George my sonne payinge to everie one of my daughters hereafter named the severall somes of mony hereafter menconed that is to say to my eldest daughter Elizabteh Willy the some of Tenn pounds, To my daughter ffrances nowe wife of James mann the some of ffortie pounds and to my twoe youngest daughters Dorathie and Margarett the some of fforty pounds apeece, of good and éawfull mony of England to be paied unto them within one yeare next after the decease of the said POSTHIMA my wife , And alsoe paying unto the before named children of my daughter Willy Jane Elizabteh and ffrancis the said some of tenn poundes apeece beinge the some before menconed and expressed to be paied unto them by m sonne George, The same soms of tenn poundes apeece to be paied unto them the said Jane Elizabeth, and ffrances Willy w:th in
twoe yeares next after the decease of the said Posthuma my wife, And my will and meaninge is that if the said george my sonne or his heires doe faile in the payment of the said severall somes of ffortie poundes apeece to my said daughters ffrances, martha, doathie and Margarett given as aforesaid or of the said ?somme of tenn poundes apeece given as aforesaid to my daughter Willy and her three children or of any of the same sommes or of any parte or parcell of them, Then it shall and may be lawfull to and for my said daughters and the children of my daughter Willy before named soe unpaied and for evereie one of them successively one after another as they are in degree of senioritie to enter into my said messuage landes and premisses with theire appurtenances before demised to my said sonne George as aforesaid And to ghave and take the rente issues and proffitts thereof to theire owne use and uses untill they shall therewith or thereby have satisffied themselves such and soe much moneyes as shalbe due unto them and behind and unpaid of the same sevall somes of ffortie poundes and tenn pounds before severally bequeathed as aforesaid and noe longer,
ITEM my will and meaninge is further that if my said wife happen to marry againe after my decease as aforesaid and thereby my sonne George become possessed of those my landes and tenements demised to my wife but duringe the time of her Widdowehood (as my meaninge is shee shall, That then the said George my sonne shall within one yeare next after he shall soe become possessed and shall inoy the same lands bey reason of my wives marriage, pay to my said daughters before named the moitie or one halfe of all the severall sumes before bequeathed unto them and lymitted to be paid by him as aforesaid, And likewise shall within twoe yeares next after he shall inoy the samelands pay unto the before bamed children of my daughter Willy the one halfe of the severall somes of Tenn pounds apeece before given to them as aforesaid, And the other halfe and Remainder aswell of the said severall somes of ffortie poundes appece, as of the said severall somes of Tenn poundes appece nefore given as aforesaid to be paied after the decease of my wife in such manner and forme as I have before declared and appointed, And lastlie I give and bequeath into my children hereadter named the severall peeces of Plate hereafter menconed, imediately after the decease of the said Posthima my wife, That is to say to my daughter Willy my greatest silver boule, To my daughter ffarnces my little silver bowle, my trencher salt and six silver spoones, To my daughter Martha, my silver beaker and three sulver spoones, To my daughter Jane the guilt cupp given her att her christeninge by her Godmother and my other little guilt cupp and alsoe three silver spoones. To my daughter dorathie my greate silver salt, and to my daughter Margarett my silver Tankard, And I doe make and ordaine my much respected and singular good freinds William James of ?Ightham Esquire and Edqard Howell of Wrotham gentleman overseers of this my last will and testament earnestlie intreatinge them out of that love which they have allwaies expressed into me to be aidinge and assistinge to my wife with theire advice and direccon as well in the execuccon of this my will as in the orderinge and ?disposeinge of my children and the legacies and porccons before given unto them, And I doe give unto my said Overseers one Angell of gould a peece in token of remembrance
IN WITNES whereof I the said George Segars have to evereie leafe or sheete hereof conteyninge in all three whole written leaves, and thus much of the fourth is written with my owne hand) subscribed my name and to this last sheete sett my hand and seale the Daie and yeare first avove written, one thowsand six hundred thirtie six,
Seales Subscribed And published the daie and yeare aforesaid in the presence of George Baxter William Manley
PROBATUM, fuit testamentum suprascriptum apud ....
Possible primary sources
PROB 11/173 Goare 1-58 Will of George Seagars, Gentleman of Wrotham, Kent 07 February 1637