MRP: Jane Noke will
Jane Noke will
PROB 11/315 Bruce 97-143 Will of Jane Noke, Widow of London 22 September 1664
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02/12/11, CSG: Made minor edits
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See William Noke 1 will
See William Noke 2 will
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This transcription has been completed, but requires detailed checking, 26/10/11, CSG
In the name of God Amen [Iana Noke]
The ffive and twentierth day of August in the yeare one thousand Six hundred Sixty and ffoure I Jane Noke of London widdow being sick and weak in body but of good and perfect remembrance (God be praised) Doe make and ordaine this my last Will and Testament in manner and forme followinge that is to say
First I bequeath my soule unto the hands of Almighty God (who gave it hopeing assuredly in and through the onely suretty of Jesus Christ my Lord and only Saviour to be made partaker of life everlasting And my body to the Earth to be decently buried without much cost ceremony or Company. The worldly blessings which it hath pleased God to lend me in this mortall life I give and bequeath as follows:
ITEM I give and bequeath unto my deare and honoured mother Mrs Posthuma Seagar the sume of twelve pounds to buy her selfe and her now maid servant mourning And the sume of twenty pounds of lawfull money of England yearly and every yeare for and during the term of her naturall life to be paid unto my said mother or her assignees by quarterly payments viz the sume of ffive pounds at the end of every three months the ffirst payment thereof to be made to her at the end of ffoure months after my decease
ITEM I give and bequeath more to my said deare mother my Sable Muffle and also such of my wearing apparel as she shall be please to make choys of for her own wearing (saving and except such as are hereafter otherwise disposed of
ITEM I give to my deare mother my Silver Spout Pot my Silver Candlestick and my Silver Snuffle (?) Desk
ITEM I give dispose and bequeath unto my deare sister Ffrances Mann widdow the sume of one hundred pounds of lawfull English money to be paid unto her within twelve months next after my decease if she shall then be living I give more to my said sister Mrs Ffrances Mann my Scarlett Coloured Sattin Morning Coate to be disposed unto her presently after my decease)
ITEM I give and bequeath unto my deare sister Dorothy Sparks the sume of Twenty pounds of lawfull English money And further y doo hereby fully and freely bequeath releaf forgive and discharge my loveing brother Mr Richard Sparks and my said sister Dorothy his wife of and from all and every summe amd summes of money by them now oweing unto mee And of and from all xxxx and demands whatsoever ?concerneing the x xxxx
ITEM I give my said brother and sister Sparks Twenty pounds of lawfull English money to buy them and their
Children mourning
ITEM I give and bequeath unto my dear sister Mistress Margarett Dobbens the sume of three hundred pounds of lawfull money of England to be paid unto her immediately after my decease
ITEM I give more to my said sister Mistress Margarett Dobbens my Gold ring sett with ffive Table Dyamonds which was my wedding Ring
ITEM I give her, my deare late husband Noke his Picture which I commonly weare And this Case of gold wherein it is sett ALSOE I give unto her more my Dyamond Ring with Nyne Rose Dyamonds ?incased with Black if shee shall be be living at the tyme of my death And if shee shall not be then living Then I give his Picture aforesaid to my deare sister Ffrances Mann if she shall be then living
ITEM I give and bequeath unto my said sister Margarett Dobbins/Dobbens all my wearing Apparrell linnen woollen and Silken (Except w:hch as my deare mother shall please to make choyss of for her own wearing as aforesaid or that ys have herein or shall hereafter otherwise give or bequeath
ITEM I give and bequeath unto my loving neice Mrs Jane Needler the sume of ffive pounds of lawfull money of England to be paid unto her presently after my decease And a paire of Pearle Braceletts which her Mother gave mee And to my Neece ffrances ??Ewe the likesume of ffive pounds to be paid unto her within the space of Twelve moneths next after my decease if shee shall then be liveing
ITEM I give and bequeath unto Posthuma and Nathaniell Mann Children of my said Sister Ffrances Mann the like summe of ffive pounds a peece to be paid unto them respectively when they shall respectively attaine their Age of ffourteen years And if either of them shall dye before then the Legacy of him or her soe dyeing to the Survivor of them
ITEM I give and bequeath unto the Children of my said sister Dorothy Sparks the sume of Thirty pounds of lawfull money of England to be paid and distributed equally unto and accompt them and the Survivors and Survivor of them att the end of Two years next after my decease
ITEM I give and bequeath unto my Neece Martha Dobbens one of the Daughters of my said sister Margarett Dobbens the sume of one hundred pounds of lawfull money of England To be paid her within One year next after my decease if the said Martha shall be then liveing
ITEM her the said Martha my Pomander Ball sett in Gold And my Tortoise Shell Cabinett To be delivered unto her presently after my decease
ITEM I give and bequeath unto Joan Valentine George William and James Dobbens ffive other Children of my said Sister Dobbens the sume of ffive pounds a peece in all Twentyffive pounds Which said Twenty ffive pounds my mynd will and meaning is shall be paid to their mother within one year xx after my decease To be by her distributed to and amongst them and the Survivour and Survivour:s of them,
ITEM I give unto my Neece ffrances Griffin Daughter of my late brother George Seagar the sume of Tenn pounds of lawfull money of England To be paid unto her within one year after my decease if shee shall then be liveing
ITEM I give and bequeath unto Blandina (sic) Tapfeild the wife of George Tapfeild of or about the parish of Admxxxton in the County of Kent Twenty pounds of lawfull English money to be paid her within One year next after my decease if shee shalbe then liveing And after the expiration of the said yeare I doe alsoe give unto her the yearely sume of Twenty shillings to be paid unto her yearely during the terme of her naturall life
ITEM I give and bequeath unto Martha ?Winso:r the wife of Humfrey Winse:r of Colemanstreete London Taylor the sume of ffive pounds of lawfull money of England To be paid to her within one yeare next after my decease if shee shalbe then liveing
ITEM I give to Elizabeth Sparks
The wife of John Sparks of Colemanstreete London aforesaid fforty shillings to be paid unto her within one year next after my decease if shee shall be then liveing
ITEM I give to Mary Killott of London widdow sister to my late deare brother Alderman Temmes the like sume of fforty shillings to be paid unto her within One yeare next after my decease if shee shalbe then liveing
ITEM I give and bequeath unto my loveing Neece Jane Hopper daughter of Symon Hopper And Anne his wife sister to my late deare husband Noke The sume of ffifty pounds of lawfull money of England To be paid unto her at the age of Sixteene yeares if shee shall live to attaine that Age
ITEM I give and bequeath to M:rs Jane Papillon wife of M:r Thomas Papillon of London Marchant my Beazer Stone sett in Gold with my Chayne of Gold thereunto belonging
ITEM I give and bequeath unto M:rs Ann Proud my Gold Ring of open=worke which I always weare about my wedding Ring
ITEM I give and bequeath unto Dorothy Baker of Wrotham in the County of Kent being the daughter of Leonard Terry and Joane his wife and once my fathers servant the sume of Eight pounds of lawfull money of England to be paid to her within Three months next after my decease
ITEM I give unto the poore of the parish of Wrotham aforesaid (being the place of my Nativity) the sume of Twelve pounds of lawfull money of England which I will to be paid within Three months next after my decease into the hands of M:r Parker of Wrotham aforesaid (being the present Minister of the same place) (if he shall be then liveing) To be by him distributed amongst the poore aforesaid And if he shall be dead Then I will that the same be paid and distributed within the tyme before lymitted by and att the discretion of my Executo:rs and overseers hereafter named and appointed
ITEM I give to the poore of the parish where I shall happen to depart this life the sume of ffive pounds in money To be distributed on the day after my funerall according to the discretion of my Executor and Overseers
ITEM I give and bequeath to the Minister of the parish where I shall happen to depart this life fforty shillings But my mind is That, noe Sermon be att my ffunerall
ITEM I give to my said sisters Margarett Mann and ffrances Dobbins the sume of Six pounds of lawfull money of England To each of them to buy them mourning
ITEM I give to my said Neece Martha Dobbins ffoure pounds of lawfull English money to buy her mourning
ITEM I give to the Widdowe ffeaXX of Shoredicth London (the poore woman that hath usually come to me for Releife) ffive pounds
ITEM my will and mind absolutely is That all my Jewells and Plate Whatsoever (Except such as I have or shall otherwise dispose of by this my Will) shall be sold by my Executor:s and Overseers To the best value that they or the Survivour:rs or Survivo.r of them can make thereof And that the money Which shall be raysed by the sale thereof shalbe imployed to the severall uses hereafter declared (That is to say) Tenn pounds part thereof shalbe for the putting out of Nathaniell Mann one of the sonnes of my said sister Mann Apprentice And Thirty pounds more thereof for the putting forth of Valentine George and William sonnes of my said sister Dobbins Apprentices And thereafter and remainants of the said sume of money To be raysed as aforesaid my will is shall be imployed for the putting forth of Poore Children apprentices Or for the releife of some poore or XXXXXX widdowes of honest and Godly lives as to be otherwise by them imployed and for such Pious and Charitable uses as they in there Prudence shall think fitting
ITEM I give and bequeath to my sister Dobbins my great Silver Bason with the ffountaine Cupp
AND COVER thereunto belonging for the terme of her naturall life And after her decease I give and bequeath the same Bason with the ffountaine Cupp and Cover thereunto belonging unto my said Neece Martha Noell
ITEM I give unto M:r John Needler the elder Tenn pounds in money
ITEM I give to my Loveing ffrend M:r Edward Throckmorton the like sume of Tenn pounds in money ITEM I give and bequeath unto my Deare and Onely Sonne M:r Thomas Atkins my Gold Ring Emerald with Black and Sett with one ffarse Rose Diamond for himselfe to weare in Remembrance of me
ALL THE REST of my goods chattells householdstuffe and personall Estate whatsoever not herein before or hereafter otherwise given or disposed of my debts by me oweing And my Legacies and ffunerall expences being all of them ffirst paid satisfied and discharged I GIVE and bequeath to my said Sonne M.r Thomas Atkins whome I doe hereby constitute ordaine nominate and appoint To be Sole Executor of this my prsent last Will and Testament Desiring him in all things to look to the faithfull performance and execution hereof according to my true mind will and meaning before declared And for the ayd and assistance of my said Executor in the due Execution thereof I doe nominate ordaine and appoint my Loveing kinsman Richard Head of the Citty of Rochester in the County of Kent my aforesaid Loveing ffreind M:r Thomas Papillon of London Marchant and M:r Robert Axxxx my very good ffreind to be Overseers of this my Will Whom I doe earnestly request and beseech To be ayding and assisting to my said Executor with their best Counsell advise and helpe in the due performance of this my Will And for such their Advice and paines to be taken therein I doe hereby give and bequeath unto each and every of them the said M:r Richard Head M:r Thomas Papillon and M:r Robert ?Siver the sume of Tenn pounds of lawfull money of England to buy each of them a Ring And for the more certaine and sure payment of these Legacies before by me given to my Mother M:rs Posthuma Seager And my sisters ffrances Mann and Margarett Gibbins all such dayes and tymes and in such manner as the same as before respectively lymitted to be paid It is my mind Will and meaning That my said Executor shall immediately after my decease upon the resonable request of my said mother and sisters By them for that purpose respectively made to my said Executor Enter into Bond to each of them respectively To be of the Penalty of Two Hundred Pounds of lawfull money of England To be respectively Condiconed for the payment of the said Legacies XXXXXX to them at such tymes and in such manner and fforme as herebefore lymitted and appointed for the same And if my said Executo:r shall refuse to seale such Bonds respectively Then I give and bequeath unto my said Mother and Sisters Mann and Dobbins inLieu and Stead of the Legacies aforesaid the sume of Two hundred pounds apeece of lawfull money of England To be paid unto them immediately upon such refusall of giving Bonds as aforesaid
AND Lastly I doe hereby revoke annull and make void all former& other wills by me heretofore made as published
IN WITNES WHEREOF I the said Jane Noke have to this my present last Will and Testament conteyning and consisting of ffive severall sheets of Paper To every sheet thereof sett my hand And to the ffirst and last sheet thereof have sett may hand and seale dated the day and yeare ffirst above written
Sealed Subscribed and Published By the above named Jane Noke in the presence of John Watson XXXXX ffra: XXXXX