MRP: Aaron Mico will

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PROB 11/290/253 Will of Aaron Mico, Merchant of London 20 April 1659

PROB 11/290 Pell 200–248 Will of Aaron Mico, Merchant of London 20 April 1659

Editorial history

01/12/11, CSG: Created page & posted completed transcription to wiki

Abstract & context

Aaron Mico married Joanna Methwold, dau. of William Methwold, in 1654, two years after the death of William Methwold. Methwold had been in India with George Oxenden. Aaron Mico was buried in the parish of Kensington, where there is a memorial to him. He mentions Kensington in his will, and, according to Daniel Lysons, his father-in-law, William Methwold, owned Hale-house at Brompton in the parish of Kensington.[1]

Aaron Mico mentions as brothers-in-law in his will William Methwold (presumably Junior) and also William Cockaine.

However, Aaron Mico states in his will that his present dwelling place is the "parishe of Saint ??Dunstane in the East where I now inhabitt".

There is an interesting eclectic list of loving friends in the will which include a wharfinger of Dice Key wharf (XXXX, his apothecary, his partner Alexander Bence Junior, another merchant, and Sir Abraham Shipman.

He had no children at his death, and thus divided his estate into two, not three parts, with the first part going to his wife. He refers to his books of account, in which is listed a debt opf £300 oweing to him from Sir Samuel Mico, "upon the foot or Ballance of an accompt of perticular dealings ?wherein him and mee transacted before I entered into partnershipp with Master Alexander Bence."

Suggested links

See Sir Samuel Mico will
See PROB 5/840 Inventory & probate accounts of Samuel Mico, 1666, ff. 1-27
See Lady Jane Mico will
See Sir Alexander Bence will (Aaron Mico's partner, who had been an Alicante factor for his father, Alexander Bence senior)

See Alicante (Aaron Mico was an Alicante factor for his kinsman Sir Samuel Mico)

To do

(1) Check the transcription


This transcription has been completed

IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN This Third day of Januarie in the yeare of our Lord God One thousand six hundred & fiftie and Eight of Aaron Mico, Cittizen and Marchant of London being weake in Bodie but of good and perfect minde and memorie (blessed be God therefore) I doe make and ordeyne this my last Will and Testament in writing in manner and forme following

And first I commend my Soule into the hands of God whoe hath redeemed it by the ?precious blood of Jesus Christ my lord and only Saviour through whose meritts alone XXXXX to receive foregivenes of all my sinnes and That when I ?putt of this Earthly Tabernacle I shall be received into everlasting habitations My Bodie I Committ to the Earth to be decently buried as my Executrix hereafter named shall thinke fitt

And as concerneing all my Worldly Estate wherewith it hath pleased God to blesse mee I give bequeath and dispose thereof as followeth (that is to say)

ffirst I will that all just debts as I shall owe att the tyme of my decease being first payd and satisfyed and my ffunerall charges discharged my ?Personall Estate shall be devided into two equall parts one halfe ?whereof I give and bequeath unto my loving Wife Joanna as belonging unto her by the Custome of the Cittie of London in regard wee have noo children

The other moyetie or halfe part of my said Estate into Two equall parts to be devided as aforesaid which by the Custome of London belongs to mee to dispose of I will give and dispose of as followeth

ITEM I give and bequeath unto my loving Kinsman Samuell Mico late Alderman of the Cittie of London the summe of Two hundred and fiftie pounds to be payd or allowed unto him out of the summe of Three hundred pounds or thereaboutes by him owing unto mee upon the foot or Ballance of an accompt of perticular dealings ?wherein him and mee transacted before I entered into partnershipp with Master Alexander Bence as appeares by my Bookes of Accompt and in case and just exception shall be taken to that Accompt (which hath not been XXXX to ?done nor can be that I knowe of) soe as thereby there shall not remaine soo much due to mee as to satisfy the same summe of Two hundred and ffiftie pounds Then I will that what ffalls short thereof shall be made upp and paid out of my other Estate

ITEM whereas my loving ffather Aaron Mico of Croscombe in the County of Somersett Clothyer did borrowe of mee the summe of Three hundred and Thirtie pounds of lawfull monie of England for XXXXX whereof he with the Consent of my brother John Mico did indenture bearing date on or about the fourth day ffebruary One Thousand six hundred ffiftie six graunt assigne and sett over unto mee a Lease which he had of his dwelling house and certaine Lands in Croscombe aforesaid In which assignment ?thereis noe condition for redemption thereof I doe hereby truly forgive unto my ?sons loving ffather the said debt and doe hereby giveand bequeath unto him the said Messuage and Lands soe as aforesaid assigned over unto mee for security thereof To have and to hold to him his Executors Administrators and assignes during the rest and residue of the Terme of yeares therein yet to come and ?unexpressed as full yeares as ?amplie as if the same hath never been assigned over unto mee And I will and desire that my Executrix hereafter named doe and shall att any tyme upon the request


AND at the cost and charges of mysaid loving ffather assigne over the same Messuages Lands and Tenements to him ?accordingly

ITEM I give and bequeath unto my loving brother Edward Mico of London Marchant the summe of Two hundred pounds of lawfull monie of England in token of my love to him

ITEM I give and bequeath unto my loving Sister Sarah Hodges Wife of William Hodges of Croscombe aforesaid Clothier the summe of Twentie pounds of like monie

ITEM I will and bequeath unto my loving brother John Mico the summe of one hundred pounds of like monie as a token of my love to him

ITEM I give and bequeath unto my loving Brother William Mico the summe of One hundred pounds of like monie

ITEM whereas I have voluntarilie obleiged my selfe and stand bound unto my sister Elizabeth Mico to give unto her in marriage and towards a marriage portion the summe of Three hundred pounds of lawfull monie of England of which my said Brother William Mico is to pay and hath promised to pay the one halfe as may appeare by his letter written to mee Now my will and minde is That in case my said brother doe as I beleive he will pay the one halfe thereof That then my Executrix hereafternamed shall pay onely the other halfe thereof (vizelict) One hundred and fiftie pounds and noe more And if my said brother William Mico shall refuse or not performe hissaid promise Then I give and bequeath unto my saidloving sister Elizabeth only the summe of Tenn pounds more over and above the said Three hundred pounds as aforesaid But in case my said brother William Mico shall performeand pay her the summeof one hundred and fiftie pounds of the said Three hundred pounds Then I give and bequeath unto my said sister the summe of ffiftie pounds of like monie over and above my halfe of the said summe of Three hundred pounds

ITEM I give and bequeath unto my Neece Mary Mico daughter of my said loving brother Edward Mico the summe of ffiftie pounds of like lawfull monie of England

ITEM I give and bequeath unto the Seaven Children of my said sister Sarah Hodges now liveing (that is to say) W:m Richard, Sarah, Mary, Aaron, Edward and Phillip To each of them the summe of ffiftie pounds a peece of like monie to be paid unto them (That is to say) To the said William Richard Aaron and Edward att theire severall and respective ages of one and Twentie yeares and to the said Sarah Mary and Phillipp (sic) att theire severall and respective ages of one and Twentie yeares or dayes of marriage which shall first happen and in Case annie of the said Children shall happento ?dye before he shee or they shallhave attenied theire respectiveages of one and Twenty yeares or be married as aforesaid Then I will and my mind and meaning is that the Legacie or legacies of himher or them so dying shall remaine come and be unto and amongst the Surviours or Survivour of them to be equally devided amongst them share and share like

ITEM I give and bequeath unto the ffive children of my said loving brother John Mico now living (that is to say) John Elizabeth Richard Samuell and Winefried when They shall respectively have attained there severall ages of one


AND Twentie yeares or dayes of marriage which shall first happen And in case any of them shall happen to die before he shee or they shall have attayned there respective ages of one and twenty yeares or be marryed as aforesaid Then my will minde and meaning is that the Legacy or Legacies of him her or them soe dying shall come remaine and be and be devided unto and amongst the Survivours or Survivour of them part and part like And my will and minde is that my Executrix hereafter named shall XXXX some Convenient time after my decease and after she shall have received and gotten in the Legacies before given to the Children of my said sister Hodges amounting in all to the summe of Three hundred and fiftie pounds and the Legacies herein before given to the Children of my said brother John Mico amounting together to the summe of Two hundred and fifty pounds putt out and dispose of the said severall summes of Three hundred and fiftie pounds and Two hundred and fiftie pounds with the best care she cann att interest for the benefittof the said severall children respectively and shall and will pay the same severall legacies together with such interest and profitt as she shall have really and bona fide have received for the same unto the said severall children or the Survivours or Survivour of them respectively in manner and att the respective times aforesaid it being my minde and meaning neverthelesse that if any losses should happen or come by puttingout the said monies orany part thereof to interest that the same should not be layd of cast upon my said Executrix, but shall be borne equally and proportionablie by ?and betweene all the said children the Survivours or Survivour of them

ITEM I give and bequeath unto my loving Aunt Mistress Alice Barrett (Or, Barratt) of Lymehouse in the County of Middlesex Widdowe the summe of Twenty Pounds of lawfull monie of England to be by her given or disposed of unto or amongst her Children or such of them as she shall thinke meet

ITEM I give and bequeath unto my loving Aunt Mistres Sarah Bernard her children (videlict) Elizabeth and Thomas to each of them (that is to say) unto the said Elizabeth att her age of one and twenty yeares or day of marriage which shall first happen and to the sonn Thomas att his age of one and Twenty yeares and in case either of them should happen to die before his or her legacy shall become dueand payable as aforesaid Then my will and minde is That then the Legacy of him or her soe dyeinge shall come and remaine to the survivour of them And my will XXXX is that the Thirtie pounds soe given the said Elizabeth and Thomas shall be disposed of my said Executrix att interest for the ?use benefitt in like manner XXX upon such ??manner as is herein before directed for disposall of the monies by mee given to the Childrenof my said Sister Hodges and brother John Mico aforesaid

ITEM I give and bequeath unto my loving Aunt Mistris Mary ?Lawrence of Croscombe aforesaid Widdowe the summe of tenn pounds of like monie

ITEM I give and bequeath to the poore people of the Towne of Croscombe aforesaid the summe of Tenne pounds to be distributed unto and amongst them as my said loving ffather in his discreson shall thinke fittand Convenientg

ITEM I give and bequeath unto my loving brother in Lawe William Cokayne of London Marchant and his Wife the somme of Tenn pounds of like monie as a token of my love to them

ITEM I give and bequeath to my loving freind Sir Abraham Shipman will Knight the summe of


TENN pounds of like lawfull monie of England as a Token of my love to him

ITEM I give and bequeath unto my loving and worthie ffreind M:r Alexander Bence Junior of London Marchant my now Partner the summe of one hundred pounds of like mony

ITEM I give and bequeath unto my very loving ffreind Master Elias ??Madevill of London Marchant the summe of tenn pounds of like mony and to my loving ffreind Master ?Samuell Reynolds of Dice Key in London Wharfinger the summe of Tenn pounds of like monie

ITEM I give and bequeathunto my loving ffreind William Webb of Grayes Inne in the Countie of Middlesex Esquire the summe of Twenty five poundsof lawfull mony of England in token of my love to him

ITEM I give and bequeath unto my Brother in Lawe William Methwold the summe of Tenne pounds of like monie

ITEM I give unto my my loving ffreind Master LXXXXX of London Apothecary the summe of thirtie pounds in full of all monie due from mee to him till the Three and Twentieth day of December ?Now last past and what is since growne due to be paid unto him

ITEM I give and bequeath to my loving Cozin Master Nathaniell Withers of London Marchant the summe of Twentie pounds of lawfull monie of England

ITEM I give and bequeath unto Sarah Cogshill Wife of Stephen Cogshill and Marie Lawrence the daughter of my late Uncle William Lawrence to each of them tenn pounds a peece of like monie

ITEM I give and bequeath unto the poore people of the Towne and parish of Kensington in the County of Middlesex the summe of tenn pounds of lawfull monie of England to be distributed amongst them as my Executrix hereinafter named with the advice of the Minister and Church Wardens of the said parish shall thinke mostmeete and Convenient

ITEM I give and bequeath to Mistrs Margarett Shipman daughter of the said Sir Abraham Shipman the summe of tenn pounds of like monie

ITEM I give and bequeath unto the poore people of the parishe of Saint ??Dunstane in the East where I now inhabitt to be devided amongstthem by the Minister and Churchwardens att theire discretions the summe of Tenn pounds of like lawfull mony of England

ITEM I give and bequeath unto my servant Edward Hatch the summe of Tenn pounds of like mony and to my servant Robert Williamson the like Summe of tenn pounds and to eachof my Mayd servants the summe of five pounds a peece of like mony and to my serving Man the like summe of tenn pounds of lawfull monie of England

ITEM for mourning to be given to my freinds att my funerall (which I will to be good) I leave the same to my Executrix and Overseers to remember my freinds as in theire discretion they shall thinke fitt

ITEM The rest and residue of alll and singular my personall Estate my Debts and legacies paid and funerall Charges discharged I give and bequeath to my loving Wife Joanna whom I make and ordainemy full and sole Executrixof this my last Will and Testament and my XXXXX kinsman Samuell Mico and my said loving brother Edward Mico Overseers thereof intreating and earnestly requesting them to be helpfull and assistant to my said Wife in the getting in of my Estate

IN WITNESSE whereof I have to each ?leafe of this my last Will and Testament consisting of three sheetes and a halfe sett my handand upon both sides of the LXXXX ?thereof my Seale att ?Armes the day and yeare first above written


Signed sealed published and declared by the said Aaron Mico as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of Ab: Shipman Samuell Mico Alexander Bence


Nath Withers John Cox Samuell Lewis Richard Hearne geo: ??Coupe Will Webb W:me Mico

THIS WILL was proved att LONDON y.e Twentieth day of the moneth of Apprill in the yeare of our Lord God One Thousand six hundred ffifty and nyne before the Judges for probate of Wills and granting Administrations lawfully authorized by the oath of Joanna Mico the Relict and sole and only Executrix named in the above written Will To whome Administration of all and singular the goods Chattells and debtsof the said deceased was graunted and committed she being first legally sworne truly and faithfully to administer the same


Possible primary sources

Possible secondary sources

  1. Jump up Daniel Lysons, 'Kensington', The Environs of London, vol. 3: County of Middlesex (London, 1795), pp. 170-230. URL: Date accessed: 06 September 2010. >