HCA 3/46 f.6r Annotate
Volume | HCA 3/46 |
Folio | 6 |
Side | Recto |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2015/04/23 |
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John Bayliffe whom the Judges receaved and administred an oath unto
them to speake the truth at the time of their examination in the presence
of Smith dissentinge and havinge the usuall time for Interrogatories./.
A busines of examination of witnesses on}
the behalfe of Gilbert Keate and others}
against a sixteenth parte of the shippe the}
hanniball belonging to Timothy}
Shorey and against the said Shorey Smith}
Which day the Judges at the petition of
the said Smith continued the certificate in
the same state that now it is untill
munday next in the afternoone./.
A busines of examination of witnesses on the}
behalfe of William Bennett against one}
16th parte of the Royall defence}
belonging to Samuel Mavericke and}
against the said Mavericke Smith}
The like ./.
John [?Curtes] against the shipp the William}
of Boston of which Paul Nightingale}
is master and against William ffarro Thomas}
Addams and Company cominge in for}
their interest Allen}
Which day appeared the said Curtis
and acknowledged that he is fully satisfied
for what is by him demanded by this
suite and thereupon the Judges with his
consent did pronounce the recognizance
by the said ffaro Addams and company
entred into in this Court to be released and
Pet against Thomson and others}
Budd Suckley}
Which day the said Budd upon the libell by
him in this cause given and admitted produced for
witnesses Nathaniel London and William Bowers
whom the Judges receaved and administred an oath
unto them to speak the truth at the time of their
examination in the presence of Suckley dissentinge and
havinge the usuall time for Interrogatories./.
Salmon against Withers}
Smith Suckley}
Which day the Judges at the petition of the said Smith upon
readinge the said Withers his answeares to having bin
monished to make a fuller answeare this day or else to
appeare this day to see himselfe pronounced for confessed and
he appearinge and makinge noe fuller answeare according to the
order of this Court The Judges did monish him to give a fuller
answeare to the same this day sennight, and in case he shall not
soe doe the Judges did [?XXXX] et cetera declare him for confessed./.
John dobson against Richard fford}
Smith ffrancklin}
Which day the said ffrancklin appeared for the
said Richard fford and made himselfe party for
him and produced for sureties Nathaniel Manton of
the parish of Saint Martin Iremonger Lane London
merchant and Thomas Papillon of the Citty of
London merchant who submittinge themselves et cetera obliged
themselves et cetera for the said Richard fford in the summe of
100 li of lawfull money of England to the said John dobson
to answeare the action in this behalfe commenced against the said fford
and to pay what the said fford shalbe condemned in with expences of
suite in case he shalbe overthrowne and to bring for the said
fford in judgement when soever this Court shall soe order And the