HCA 3/46 f.5v Annotate
Volume | HCA 3/46 |
Folio | 5 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2015/04/23 |
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Grocer and Richard Bristow of the same Grocer whoe
submittinge themselves et cetera obliged themselves for the said Wood and
others in the sume of 100 li of lawfull money of England to the said
Rowe to answeare the action in this behalfe commenced and to pay
waht the said Wood and others shalbe condemned in with expences
of suite in case they shalbe overthrowne And unles et cetera Which
caution the Judges receaved and decreed the said shipp to be released
from the arrest./.
Mary dell the relict of John dell}
deceased against the shipp the James and}
against Tod ffrancklin Smith}
Which day appeared the said dell
and acknowledged that shee hathe
receaved full satisfaction for all demands
by her by this suite and consented that the
said Todd and his sureties may bee
discharged from the action by her comenced against
the said shippe And thereupon the Judges did
pronounce the recognizance entred into in this Court by
the said Todd and his sureties to be cancelled and
discharged and they did cancell and make void the same./.
A busines of examination of witnesses on}
the behalfe of Samuel Thomas}
against Martin Clauson Vanderset and}
Isaac fleshover and company of}
Ostend in particular and all others in}
generall that will take upon them the}
justification of the seizure of a certaine}
vessell called the William of dartmouth}
and her ladinge whereof John Lidstone}
was master belonging to the said Samuell}
Thomas ffrancklin}
Which day the Judges at the
petition of the said ffrancklin did
decree all and singular that will take
upon them the defence and justification of
the said seizure of the said shipp and
ladinge to be cited to appeare et cetera at
to see witnesses produced and sworne upon
an allegation given and admitted on the
behalfe of the said Thomas [?XXXX] the seizure of the said shipp and ladinge with
Intimation et cetera./.
Satterday the Eleaventh of March 1653 before
the worshippfull William Clerke John Godolphin doctors
of lawe and Charles George Cocke Esquire Judges et cetera
in the dyning chamber et cetera in the presence of Sam:
howe Notary publique./.
Conrado de B[?rool] and others against the}
shipp the holy Spirit of the Crosse}
and against yeo and Breedon Smith}
Which day the said Smith upon the
allegation by him in this cause given
and admitted produced for a witnes
Gilbert Crane whom the Judges
receaved and administred an oath unto him
to speake the truth at the time of his
examination in the presence of the said
Suckley dissenting and having the usuall time
for Interrogatories./.
Abrahall against the shipp the John and}
against delavall Colquite Smith}
Which day Colquite upon the libell by
him in this cause given and admitted
produced for witnesses Thomas Aldridge and