HCA 3/46 f.22r Annotate

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HCA 3/46 f.22r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


The first Court day of Easter tearme
being the tenth day of Aprill 1654 before the worshipfull
William Clarke and John Godolphlin doctors of lawes two the
Judges of the high Court of Admiralty of England in the dynning
chamber et cetera in the presence of Samuel How Notary publique

Barnabe Croford against the ship the}
Gennoa merchant Smith}

The Certificate is confirmed to this day /.

William yeames John stone and Jacob}
Blackleech against the Pinke called the}
Hopewell whereof Spencer is master and her}
tackle et cetera and against the said Spencer and}
all et cetera Clements}

The third default is granted and the
certificate is continued to this day /.

dalitias Page against Naylor
ffranklin Clements}

The cause is continued in the same state that it was untill
this day at ffranklins petition /.

davies against Hodder}
Suckley Smith}

To have sentence at Smiths petition

Bellamy and Cooper against Clarke}
Smith Budd}

To have the order of the Court Upon the taxation of
the charges at Smiths petition./.

Gold and others against dobbins}
Smith Suckley}

To have the order of the Court upon Smiths petition
touching the answeare made to the Charterparty./.

The Lord Protector et cetera against the shippe}
the ffortune and her Tackle et cetera Budd}

The certificate is continued to this day at Budds

Bence Parker and the rest of the owners}
of the shipp the Hopewell Luke against the}
shipp the London whereof John Stevens}
is master and against the said Stephens and}
all et cetera Suckley}

The like at the petition of Suckley /

Chambers against Noseworthy and Peirce}
Smith dyer}

master Smith is to prosecute his appeale and to
certifie upon the prosecution of the same
under the great Seale of England this day ./.

Noseworthy and Peirce against Chambers}
dyer Smith}

The like

Vivian against one 4th parte of the shipp the}
Vivian and against Alderman Crandley Job Throgmorton}
and others dyer Suckley}

Job Throgmorton is to answeare this day

Nathaniel Hawes against the Silver and goods}
in the Saint Clara belonging to the King of}
Spayne and against all et cetera Budd}

The certificate is continued to this day ./.

The Earle of Warwicke against the same}

The like

The Lord Protector et cetera against the mercury}
and the goods in the same Budd}

The like ./.

A busines of examination of witnesses on the}
behalf of John Outram Upton and others}
owners of 220 bundles of hempe seized by the}
King of denmarke in a shipp called the ffreindshipp}
of Newcastle whereof Edward Nixon is master}

The Like

duckford and Standen against Stubbs}
Suckley Colquite}

Suckley is to give a libell with sureties this
day precisely./.