HCA 3/46 f.21r Annotate

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HCA 3/46 f.21r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


Curtes against Cockaine}
Clements Smith}

Satterday the 8th day of Aprill 1654 before doctor Clerke and
doctor Godolphin Judges et cetera in the presence of Samuel how Notary
publique Appeared the said Clements at whose petition the Judges
did in regard the said Curtis hath given security in this Court
according to the former order thereof in that behalfe made did decree
the summe of nine pounds and Ten shillings deposited in this Court
by Robert holway on the behalfe of the said Cockaine for
the wages of Michael Clements mentioned in the proceedings of
this Cause to be delivered to the said Curtis./.

Receaved the said summe of nine pounds and ten shillings
out of the REgistry of this Court according to the
aforesaid order./.

The marke of the said Magdalen

The Lord Oxj[?is]terne and others against}
Chelston Suckley Smith}

The same day before all the Judges et cetera
in the dyning chamber et cetera in the presence
of Samuel howe Notary publique Appeared
the said Suckley at whose petition the Judges
did publish the depositions of the witnesses in this cause examined
on his Clyents behalfe in the presence of Smith
dissenting et cetera Then the said Suckley produced the
said Chelston upon the libell by him given to whom the
Judges administred an oath to make a true answeare to
the same and monished him to give in the same by
wednesday next./.

Mary dell the administratrix of John}
dell deceased against the shipp the John}
Adventure and against Roger Kilvert and others cominge}
in for his interest therein ffrancklin Smith}

Which day the said Smith appeared for
the said Roger Kilvert and Company
and made himselfe party for them and
alleadged that the said shipp did at the
time of the arrest in this behalfe made
and still doe properly belong and appertaine
unto them and produced for sureties Thomas
Tickner of the parish of Peters Cornehill
London Grocer and Isaach Gardner of Andrew
Undershaft London merchant who submitting themselves et cetera
obliged themselves et cetera for the said Roger Kilvert and company
in the summe of 100 'li of lawfull money of England to the said
Mary DEll to answeare the action commenced by the said dell against
the said shippe
and to pay what the said Kilvert and company shalbe
condemned in with expences of suite in case they shalbe overthrowne
and to bringe forth the said Kilvert and company in Judgement
whensoever their presence shalbe required And unles et cetera Which
caution the Judges receaved and decreed the said shipp to be
released from the arrest./.

Alexander Eves against the said shipp}
and against the said Kilvert and}
company comming in for their interest}
therein Smith}

The same sureties were obliged
for the said Roger Kilvert
and company in the summe of 50 li
to the said Eves to the effect in
the next precedent Act./.