HCA 3/46 f.18r Annotate

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HCA 3/46 f.18r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


of the said Suckley did decree the said Trimnell and his said
Atterney to be cited to appeare in the dyning chamber et cetera upon
wednesday next to shew cause which articles of contempt should not be
admitted against him concerning the premisses./.

Richard [?Rice] and company against the shipp}
the Charity of which Robert [?hanigate]}
was but now henry Jennings is master belonging}
to themselves and against George [?Greggs] coming in for}
his interest therein Suckley ffrancklin}

Munday the third day of Aprill 1654
before doctor Clerke and doctor Godolphin
Judges et cetera in the dyninge chamber et cetera in
the presence of Sam: howe notary publicke
Appeared personally the said ffrancklin
and made himselfe party for the said George
Gregg and alleadged that the said shipp did at the
time of the arrest in this behalfe made and still
doth properly belong and appertaine unto him and that
he is in the possession thereof and that shee is part laden and
ready to proceed to sea upon a voyadge and the said ffrancklin
produced a bill of Sale of the said shippe under the hand and
Seale of Martin Westcombe the former owner thereof to the
said Grigges and offered to give security to answeare any action or
pretence that the said Rice and company have against the said shippe
and desired her to be decreed to be released from the said arrest in
the presence of the said Suckley appearing for the said Rice and company
and making himselfe party for him dissentinge et cetera and alleadging that
his Clients are in the possession thereof and offering to give security
to make good andy pretence or action that the said Grigg hath against the
said shippe Whereupon the Judges upon consideration of what was
then offered and shewne did decree the said shipp to be released from
the arrest security being first given by the said Grigge to abide the
Judgement of this Court in the [?petitory] and to pay what the said Grigge
shalbe condemned in with expences of suite in case hee shalbe overthrowne Then
the said ffrancklin produced for sureties Martin Westcombe of Mincing Lane
London merchant and Thomas Sherwill of Saint Thomas Apostles London
merchant who subnitting themselves et cetera obliged themselves et cetera for the said
George Grigge in the summme of 500 li of lawfull money of England
to teh said Richard Rice and company to the effect before expressed And unles et cetera
which caution the Judges receaved and decreed the said shipp to be released from
the arrest./.

Thomas Sherwill against the shipp called the}
ffrances of Sunderland whereof John}
dobson was master and her tackle et cetera belonging}
to the said Sherwill and against Sampson}
Nicholson comming in for his interest therein}
ffrancklin Suckley}

Which day the said Suckley appeared for the
said Sampson Nicholason and made himselfe party
for him and ffrancklin for the said Sherwill
and made himselfe party for him in whose
presence the said Suckley alleadged that the
said shipp did at the time of the arrest
thereof in that behalfe made and still doth
properly belong and appertaine unto the said
Sampson Nicholson and was bought for his
accompt and paid for with his money as appeareth
by a bill of Sale in dutch then by him shewed in
Court and that the master of the said shipp is in the
possession thereof for his use and he offered to give
security to answeare any action that the said Sherwill
hath against the said shippe and desired her to be released
from the arrest she beinge bound out upon a voyadge to Sea
and laden with merchants Goods in the presence of the said
ffrancklin dissentinge and alleadginge that the said shipp doth
belonge unto his Clyent and shewed a bill of sale of the same
and offered to give baile to answeare any action the said Suckleys