HCA 3/46 f.17v Annotate
Volume | HCA 3/46 |
Folio | 17 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2015/04/26 |
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by merchants and for soe much they are usually gaged and soe many
gallons the Court for prize goods have within these two yeares
last past sould to a Tonne Which said allegation he propounded
joyntly and severally and the Judges admitted soe [?farre] as the
sae ought by lawe to be admitted Which beinge soe admitted repeated and
the said Budd not beleeving the same to be true The Judges
assigned the said Smith to prove the said allegation upon Satterday sennight
next and ordered the said Brewer to demannd the Argall by
him confessed to be bought by him of the Commissioners for prize goods
and alsoe the looking glasses and to pay for the same this day
sennight and the Commissioners to deliver the same unto him./.
Satterday the first of Aprill 1654 before doctor
Clerke and doctor Godolphin Judges et cetera in the dyninge
chamber et cetera in the presence of Sam: Howe Notary publicke
The office of the Judges promoted by}
Robinson and others against Pibus Budd}
Which day the said Suckley alleadged
that William Simons humphry Perry
and Edward Comfort have bin produced as
witnesses in this cause by Mr Budd and
that they have bins worne and examined upon
the articles by him in this cause given and admitted
and not upon the Interrogatories administred on the behalfe
of the said Pibus and thereupon the Judges at the
petition of the said Suckley did decree the said witnesses to
be monished to appeare imediate et cetera to undergoe their examinations
upon the said Interrogatories./.
The Lord Protector et cetera against John Day}
William Smith and henry Tiddiman}
Which day the said Budd alleadged that
the said day Smith and Tiddiman
have bought severall quantities of goods
of the Commissioners for prize goods and that they
refuse to pay for the same accordinge to
their respective contracts and agreements and
thereupon the Judges at the petition of the said
Budd did decree the said day Smith and Tiddiman
to be Cited to appeare in this place imediate et cetera to
pay the said respective summes of money or else to show
cause to the contrary./.
The Lord Protector et cetera against Isaac Phillips}
Budd Smith}
Which day the Judges at the petition of
the said Budd accusinge the contumacy
of the said Phillips in not satisfying the
Commissioners for prize goods for the number of 50
dozen of Looking glasses bought of them at the
rate of 24 s a dozen by a time to him in that behalfe
prefixed according to the monition of this Court in that
behalfe made did pronounce him contumacious and in paine et cetera
to be attached and kept in safe custody untill he shall paye
and satisfie the said Commissioners for the said Looking glasses after the
rate aforesaid./.
A busines of contempt promoted by Paul}
Alberts against John [?Trimmell] and Thomas}
Seaman his Atturney Suckley}
Which day the said Suckley alleadged that the
said [?Trumnell] doth sue and implead the
said Paul Alberts at the comon law by
Thomas Seaman his Atturney for a
matter or thinge belonging to the Jurisdiction of
this Court in contempt of the law and jurisdiction of
the said Court and thereupon the Judges at the petition