HCA 3/46 f.13v Annotate

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HCA 3/46 f.13v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


from Bills of lading as by the Custome of the Sea he
ought to doe to which the said Warren made answeare that
he receaved 7 bales of goods on board his said shippe from
the said Mr King but that the hatches of the said shippe
were after the delivery of the said goods on board broken
open and Two of the said bales taken away and for the
other ffive bales he offered to signe bills of ladinge and to
give bale for to abide the Judgement of this Court touchinge
the other Two bales of Goods which the Judges ordered him to
doe and then the said Warren produced for sureties henry
dunster of Mincing Lane London merchant and Thomas
Warren of the same place merchant who submittinge
themselves et cetera obliged themselves et cetera for the said John
Warren in the summe of 200 li of lawfull money of England
to the said Richard King to abide the Judgement of this
Court touchinge the said Two bales of Goods either as to the
firming of the bills of Ladinge or to condemnation and to pay
what he shalbe condemned in with expences of suite in case
he shalbe overthrowne And unto et cetera Which caution the
Judges receaved and monished the said Warren to signe bills
of Ladinge for the other 5 bales of Goods and Mr Kinge
left the Boatswaines notes in Court./

Edward Wheeler and company against}
the ladinge of Salt on board the}
shipp the William}
and against William Comean}
ffrancklin Smith}

Which day the Judges at the petition
of the said Smith in regard the
said ffrancklin hath not given a
libell nor doth not desire any time
for the giving the same
did dismisse this cause with 40 s
charges and decreed the said Wheeler and
his sureties to be monished to pay the same
within 20 daies after monition otherwise to bee

hayes against Shapdon and others}
Suckley ffrancklin}

Which day the Judges at Suckleys
petition did continue the certificate this
day to be returned in the same state
that now it is untill ffriday next./

Sparks against Stafford}
Suckley Allen}

Which day the Judges at the petition of the said
Suckley did assigne this cause to sentence
upon wednesday next and monished Mr Allen to
be then present in this place./.

Christopher Jarrett Thomas harrison}
and John Grimstone against the}
shipp the Mary and John Nicholas}
hodgshon master and against the said}
hodgson and all others et cetera Suckley}

Which day the said Smith
appeared for the said hodgshon
and company and made himselfe
party for them and alleadged that
the said shipp doth belong unto them
and that they live in the partes