HCA 3/46 f.13r Annotate

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HCA 3/46 f.13r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


Waters and others against Bland}
Budd Suckley}

Which day the Judges at the petition of
Budd accusinge the contumacy of the said
Bland in not giving in his answeare to the
allegation given against him in this cause pronounced
him contumacias and in paine et cetera to bee
attached in case he shall not give in his answeare
upon wednesday next sittinge the Court./.

Taylor against Blake}
Suckley Smith}

Which day the Judges at the petition of the said
Suckley accusinge the contumacy of the said Blake
in not giving his answeare to the libell in this
Cause given and admitted pronounced him contumacioys
and in painne et cetera to be attached Provided the same
be not extracted within 4 dayes./.

A busines of Examination of witnesses}
on the behalfe of Nicholas Opie}
Stephen Trevill and Richard}
Lobb Owners of the shipp the}
Walsingham of Plymouth of which}
John Trenaman was master seized by}
the subjects of the kinge of Portugall}

Which day the said ffrancklin exhibited
the originall mandate with the certificate
thereon endorsed and [BLANK IN MANUSCRIPT]
Oliffer by vertue of his corporall
oath to him administred by the Judges
did depose that he delivered a letter
from the Judges of this Court to the Secretary
of the Portugall Ambassadour and
then open [?preconhination] beinge made
for all in this behalfe cited and noe
body appearinge the Judges at the petition
of the said ffrancklin accusing their contumacy
pronounced them Contumacious which the Judges
admitted and the said ffrancklin alleadged that he
hath necessary witnesses in the partes remote from
this Citty for whose examination the Judges did
decree a Comission to be [?sped] in the house of
William Whealer at the ffleece in Plymouth upon
the 30 and 31 of March and first of Aprill next with
continuation et cetera assuming et cetera and assigned the said ffrancklin
to transmitt the same with 3 weekes and at the further
petition of the said ffrancklin the Judges did decree all and
singular that will take upon them the defence and
justification of the said seizure to appeare the time and
place aforesaid to see witnesses produced and sworne on the
behalfe of the said Opie and others with intimation et cetera and they
continued the cetificate in the same state that now it is untill
the first Court day of the next Tearme./.

Richard king against John Warren}
Smith Suckley}

Which day the said Smith appeared
for the said kinge and made
himselfe party for him and [?XXXX] and for the said Warren abd made himselfe party for him in whose presence the
said Smith alleadged that the said king
did lade on board the shipp called the
Aleppo merchant whereof the said Warren is
master 7 bales of [?Gppes] for which he refuseth to