HCA 13/76 f.38v Annotate

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HCA 13/76 f.38v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


M:r laden w:th Copper wire Copper plates Copper Kettles some
blew starch. Tinne [?aeLattin] & other goods, coming as the Master sayd from
Hamborow bound for Roane in ffrance, and saith that upon the said [?XXX GUTTER]
which was about foure or five of the Clock in the afternoone of the said [?Saturday GUTTER]
the said Captaine Heydon haled the said ship and bid the Master come on board
him with his writings, which the Master did. And
presently after the said Captaine Heydon and the said Master went on board
the said ship ffortune and this deponent (belonging then to the said ship Neptune
went with them and some others of the Neptunes Company onboard the ffortune
And saith that presently after their going onboard her the said Captaine
heydon told the said Master that hee must carry him
in to England, at which the said Master seemed to be troubled, and sayd in the presence
of this deponent and severall others that' twould be a great hindrance to him
and his merchants and told the said Captaine haydon that hee had rather
give him and his company something then to be carryed into England
[?XXX] hee soe spake in broken English, And saith that presently after
the said Captaine Heydon and the said Master went on board the Neptune
leaving this deponent and some others of her company onboard the ffortune
And saith that the [?XXX] was kept all that night to wit the said Saturday night onboard
the Neptune, and thet stood all that night for England, And the next
morning the said Captaine heydn came with the said Master on board the ship
ffortune and told this deponent that they had agreed for two hundred pounds
(which hee was to have in goods) to let the said ship goe, and ordered this deponent (who
had the Masters papers in his custody) to deliver them to him, and saith that Imediately
after the Neptunes men and ffortunes men hoysted out of the ffortune onboard the
Neptune (which lay side by side) about fourty twoRings of wyer fourty Copper [?XXX GUTTER]
about three hundred kettles as hee supposeth ad a barrell of blew starch
weighing about three hundred or three hundred and a halfe pound weight
two little barrells or casks of Tinne or Lattin each weighing about [?XX GUTTER]
And about Eight pound of [?virgins] wax, and two wastcotes and [?XXXX] as was said [?XX GUTTER]
that all the cooperware (saving about 11 kettles) was [?XXX GUTTER]
by the said Captaine Heydon for a hundred and threescore pounds to one Mr [?XXX GUTTER]
a Brasier in Lewis in Sussex and that was soe sold as the said Heydon and [?White] sayd for 10 d per lb
and the said Eleaven kettles the said Heydon sold to some of his company
for 58 [?s] or thereabouts as the said Heydon said and as this deponent verily beleeveth
And the said Blew starch was sold as the said Heydon said for 6 lb 10 s to Mr
Newington a [?XXX] in Lewis and the said Tyn or Lattin was sold for 14 [?XX GUTTER]
to two men of Brighthampson which George B[?lauish] of [?XX GUTTER]
the Master of the Neptune sold for the said Captaine heydon and
Mr [?XXXXX] that summ of 14 [?s] but the said Captaine heydon [?XXX XXX GUTTER]