HCA 13/76 f.38r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/76 |
Folio | 38 |
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Colin Greenstreet |
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3. FRANCISCUS FLEAU de Argenton in
Britannia Nauta, annos agens 22 aut
de ricter dicit et deponit prout XXX Vizt
Ad dra Interria respond:t et discit That hee well knoweth the sship
the Swallowe interrate Captaine Manning Com:der and hath knowne her
for about two monthes last past and came to knowe her by being taken
by her as a XXXXXXX about two monthes XXXXX
in Britannia w:hr was laden w:th about 20 tonnes XXX XXXXXX salt for the acc:t offfrXXXXXXX
the sd ships owners were also XXXXXXXX that were XXXX
taken her company were all ffranXXXXX du GXXXX upon y:e sd XXXXX
all escaped in the boate saving this depo:t who hath ever since bin of the Swallowes
company, and saith that p:rsently after y:e XX ship Margaret was taken towit
the same day the Swallowe also tooke a Rotterdammer and suddenly
after towit about 8 or 9 dayes shee tooke two
ffrench ships of S:t Malloes of about 35 or 40 Tonnes laden w:th Rosin
& Pitch & y:e M:r XXXXX was ?Peter Bettard & the other
John Mathew XXXX XXXXXX XXXXX the sd shipps & their ladings &
company were carryed to ffalmouth, by y:e sd Captaine Manning
THOMAS XXXXXX lately of Rye in
Sussex but now a prisoner in y:e Marshalseyey
in Southwarke , Vintner, aged 31
or thereabouts saith & deposeth as followeth viz:t
To the 3:d 5:th & 6:th arles of the sd Libell hee deposeth & sayth That
on a Saturday happening in or about August last the aclate Cap:t
Nicholas HayXXXXX w:th y:e ship Neptune where hee was command:r met
upon y:e high & open seas to wit on y:e coast of ffrance off y:e fflatts
of Somme a reclaimed ship called the ffortunde of Hamborow John GXXXX