HCA 13/76 f.24v Annotate

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HCA 13/76 f.24v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


to bee carried on board the said shipp. And saith that about three weekes or
a month since the said shipp or man of warr was in the possession of the said Hobbs whom
this deponent often saw on board the same (lying neere his owne doore)
and looking to and taking care of her. And saith that upon and after
the said seizure this deponent complaining of Embezlement the [?LXXXXX]
(Nicholas Grove) of the said man of warr who kept the keys of the Hatches
of the Swedish Lyon) told this deponent that hee needs not feare any Embeazelment
for their owner (meaning and speaking of the arlate Hobbs) who was
(as he said) deputy vice Admirall would seale up the hatches soe soone
as she came into Harbour. And beleeveth that if the said shipp Swedish Lyon
and her lading bee condemned the said Hobbs will have a share
as owner of the said Man of warr. Et alr nescit.

Ad 5um arlum deponit that hee hath bin told by the Master that the arlate [?Rowley] stood at the
Great Cabbin doore with a pistoll charged and therewith kept the Company
of the Swedish Lyon in the great Cabbin by the privateers order least
the said shipps Company should see what they soe plundered or carried away
And that during such his standing there severall great quantities of salt
wines and Brandy were carryed away as the said Master also told this deponent. Et alr

Ad 6um deponit that it is a usuall thing for masters and Companies of shipps comming
in shipps from ffrance to load some quantities of wines and Brandy for
their owne accounts and saith that the Master and this deponent had on board at the
seizure of the said shipp twelve hogsheads and five teirces of ffrench wine
and two halfe hogsheads of Brandy and three barrells of Beefe and the Company
had also some quantities of wines and brandies aboard All which were
laded upon by and for the account of the Master and Companies and by them
paid for and that noe other person whatsoever but they the Master and
Company of the said shipp have any part or share therein. Et alr

Ad 7 deponit that the said shipp the voyage proceding the voyage in question touched
at Plymouth in her course for Dublin in Ireland, and was convoyed part of
her way from thence to Ireland by two of his Majesties ffrigotts the
Dartmouth and the Little Guift and had convoyed them further had not
a storme parted them. Et alr nescit.

Ad 8 deponit that the said shipp had undoubtedly arrived with her
said lading at Corke and delivered the same to the arlate [?Gould]
according to Consignation had not the said seizure happened. Et
alr nescit.

Ad ult dicit predepoita per eum esse vera.


Ad jum rendet that he is not concerned in this busienes otheriwse than by being
Pilot and sopracargo of the said ship Swedish Lyon. Et nescit se ad predeposita
Aliter nescit.

Ad 2 rendet that he knoweth not of any papers hid concealed or any ways made away
and to the best of his knowledge all the papers on board came to the hands of the sezors. Et alr nescit

Ad 3 rendet that he saw a bill of lading a letter in the Registry shewed him by Mr [?CXXXX]
who writ the said letter hee knoweth not nor how the said letter and bill of lading came thither [?XXX}
beleeveth that the ffirme subscribed to the said Bill is the skippers firme having compared the [?XXX}
with the skippers firme to letters received by this deponent from him. dindes the same of [?XXX}
characters. Et alr nescit

John Rimmorter [His signature]

Repetit coram dra Lloyd surrogate
unto Ed:do Browne Notary publique