HCA 13/76 f.24r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/76 |
Folio | 24 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2015/12/10 |
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15th Novembris 1666. [CENTRE HEADING]
Dmus Edmundus Turner et Carew con the Swedish Lyon et}
bona in eadem et [?Cord] Samuelem Beake prointerree suo}
intervenien. Suckly. ffrancklin}
Super alia allegatione ex parte [?Eili]
Beake Examinatus.
Johannes Rainmorter de North Yarmouth Nauta, annos agens
25 aut eo circiter testis product et Juratus dicit et deponit
prout sequiture. (videlicet)
Ad primum et secundum arlos deponit that he was Pilott and Supra cargo of
the said Shipp the Swedish Lyon the voyage in question And saith that upon
and after the said shipps seizure this deponent alwayes and
seriously declared as the truth was that the lading of salt and shipp in
question did belong to the arlate Samuel Beake, an Englishman, and
that she was bound with her said lading to Corke in Ireland and not to
any other port whatsoever, and that the wine and brandy on board
belonged to the master and Company of the said shipp Swedish Lyon: And
alwayes affirmed the same as often as any occasion happened concerning
the said shipp and lading. And utterly denieth that hee did at any
time say or declare to the masters mate of the said Man of warr or
any other person whatsoever that the said shipp and goods were
bound for Amsterdam or that hee was undone for that reason,
or that hee spake any words to the same or like effect. And denieth also
that ever hee desired the said Masters Mate to stand his friend, as is arlate,
nor did hee feare imprionment being a ffreeman an Englishman, on board
or sailing in a free shipp carrying noe contreband goods as hee conceiveth nor bound to
any unfree port. Et negative. Et nescit.
Ad 3 et 4 arles deponit that hee well knoweth the arlate Michael Hobbs
reputed deputy [?Vice] Admirall of ffowey in whose house this deponent was
kept a prisoner for the space of tenn or twelve days, and during that
time was not suffered to speake to any one but by the permission of the arlate
Captaine Stainthwaite and Mr Hobbs and in the presence and hearing of one or
both of them. And hee saith that within the said time by Mr Hobbs his permision
this deponent wrote foure letters at two separate tymes two to Mr William Jennings of Plymouth (Mr Arnold
Beakes Correspondent there) and two therein inclosed for and to bee conveyed
to Mr Arnold Beake Two of which letters hee the said Hobbs read before sealing thereof
after sealing this deponent gave two of the same to
Mr Hobbs to bee sent to the post house which letters were never delivered
but were by some meanes or other intercepted by Captaine Stainthwaite, and this
deponent sending the other two by a messenger to Plymouth, the said Stainthwaite mett
with the said Messenger and tooke the said letters from him, and about two days after came
to this deponent and told him that hee had mett with the messenger and had cut and
secured him and seized upon this deponents letters and then also shewed this deponent
the said letters. And saith that the arlate Hobbs is the owner of the man of
warr arlate that seized the said ship Swedish Lyon and for and as such commonly
accounted and reputed. And that the said Hobbs hath confessed to this deponent
that hee stood engaged for the mony that bought the said man of Warr. And
this deponent during such his imprionment saw the wife of the said Hobbs helpe XXXX
and salt Beefe, and saw meate put into a boate