HCA 13/76 f.16r Annotate

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HCA 13/76 f.16r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


Ad 2um et 3 arlos et prima schedulam annexum [?eo ?XXXX ?XXXXX] deponit
that hee well knoweth the said other producents videlicet Samuel ffoote
Esquire Daniel Pourteen, and Edward Watts, and hath so done for
eight moneths last, and saith they are Merchants of London, and
traders to Venice and other parts of the Streights where they have
their factors and correspondents, and at Venice the arlate George
Ravenscroft there dwelling was and is their factor of this deponents
knowledge, for hee saith that in January last or thereabouts the
said Ravenscroft at Venice as factor of and for the said three London
Merchants Alderman ffoote, Mr Pourteen and Mr Watts and for their
accompt hired and tooke the said shipp to freight of the said Signor
[?Lowicelli] to goe to Zant to lade currants and to Gallipoli to lade
oiles to be brought directly to this port of London and there to be
delivered to and to the use of the said three merchants, who as hee
hath understood from them since his comming to London, have partners in the said
goods, videlicet that the oiles are for Alderman ffoote and
partners and the currants for Mr Pourteen Mr Watts and partners,
and [?Marina] Gelthoff (an Antwerpian borne and an
Inhabitant for three or four yeares of this deponents knowledge of Venice)
is by the said Pourteen and Watts said to be their partner in the said currants
and hee was their factor or agent with lading thereof. And saith
that the first schedule annexed was and is a translation out of Italian
into English of the originall Charterpartie soe made and passed at
Venice for the said voyage betweene the said Ravenscroft and [?Lowicelli]
and containeth the effect of the said affreightment, which hee
knoweth being privie to the said affreightment and acquainted with
all the designe of the voyage, being (as hee saith
hee was) hired at Venice (at the time of the said affreightment)
by the said Mr Ravenscroft as factor aforesaid to goe sopracargo
of the said shipp for the said Merchants, which Mr Ravenscroft took
order and instructed this deponent who speaketh very good dutch,
that in case of meeting with dutch or ffrench shipps, hee this deponent
should pretend himselfe to be a dutchman, and that the goods were
bound for Ostend, and that hee should carry himselfe as a dutchman
to the end to conceale the London designe from the Mariners and
company of the said shipp, but with that hee is an Englishman borne
as aforesaid in Saint Saviours parish, where his father and mother
lived and died, and saith his father by common repute and as hee
alwaies said was borne at Norwich and his mother in London,
and two of his this deponents sisters by his said father and mother
live near London at present, and saith that albeit this deponent
hath formerly lived in holland to learne the language, yet hee saith
it is six yeares or thereabouts since hee was there last, And for the
steersman of the said shipp named Claus Mayer, hee saith that hee
this deponent meeting him at Cadiz in the said shipps comming from
London and understanding him to be Hamburger and well acquainted
with the course of sailing in the Channell, this deponent hired him there
to goe steersman in assistance of this deponent, and the said steersman
hath bin spoken to and saluted by severall hamburgers since as their
Townsman namely a hamburger, and for such hee was and is commonly
accompted, and none of the company subiects of the United Provinces. Et
alr nescit.