HCA 13/73 f.744v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/73 |
Folio | 744 |
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Uploaded image; partially transcribed on 09/07/2017 | |
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IMAGE: IMG_0708_copy.JPG | |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2017/07/09 |
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before then sealing and delivery hereof well and truely paid
by John Armiger of London merchant the receipt whereof we
doe by these presents acknowledge and ourselves to be thereof and
thereith fully statisfyed and paid Have granted bargained
and absolutely Grant bargaine sell assigne and set over unto
the said John Armiger all that good ship or vessell called
the Calfe of London of the burthen of one hundred Tonns or
thereabouts whereof Gerrit Oliffsen was master now out at sea
and all and singular the masts, sailes, sayleyards, Anchors, Cables, Ropes
Cords, Boate, Oares, Gunns, Gunnpowder shot tackle apparrell
amunition furniture and things whatsoever to the said ship
belonging or in any wise appertaineing To have and to hold
the said ship and all and singualr the Premisses aforementioned
of intended to be hereby bargained, sold, assigned and set over
and every part and parcell thereof unto the said John Armiger
his Executors and assignes to his and their owne uses, and as his and their
owne proper goods and Chattalls from hence forth freely [?XXX]
And wee the said Peter Van Heynbergh and John Bird for us our
Executors and Administrators doe Covenant grant and agree to and with
teh said John Armiger his Executors administrators and Assignes by these presents
that teh said ship and all other the said bargained prmisses at the time
of the sealing and delivery hereof are and be and soe at all times
hereafter forever shalbe remaine and Continue unto the sayd John
Armiger his Executors and assignes free cleare and clearely
acquitted and discharged or by us the said Peter Van Heynsbegh
and John Bird our Executors and Administrators att all times
hereafter well and sufficiently saved harmelesse of and from all
and all manner of former and other bargaines sales giftes grantes
titles, Troubles, charges, and Incumbrances whatsoever had made
Committed and done or suffered by us the said Peter Van Heinsbergh
and John Bird, or any other person or persons by our default interest
Consent or procurement, And wee the said Peter Van Heynsbergh
and John Bird our Executors and Administrators all the affore bargaines [?XXX]
and every part thereof, unto the said John Armiger his Executors and
assigne, to his and their owne use, against all people for and during the space
of one whole yeere and a day (from the day of the date hereof to be [?XX]
according to the lawe of Olerons, shall and will warrant and defend by [?XX]
The fifth of November 1659.
Touching the Alice and Mary aforesaid}
John Prout of Plimouth in the County of Devon
Mariner, aged 34 yeeres and a halfe sworne before the
right worshipfull Charles George Cock Esquire one
of the Judges of the High Court of the Admiraltie saith as
To the first Interrogatorie hee saith and deposeth That hee well knoweth the
shipp the Alice and Mary interrogated whereof John Sendall was master
and saith that shee being at Plimouth in the west countrey and thence
bound out on a voyage trading for Barbary without the Straights set saile from Plimouth on the