HCA 13/73 f.744r Annotate

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HCA 13/73 f.744r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window



the ship mentioned in the said Translation is nowe
called the Grayhound, and alsoe affirmed to this
Deponent that halfe of her did really belong to him the
said Edmund Custis, and the other halfe of her
to the said Robert Custis;



The 27th of October 1659.

Calfe of London}

Frederick Ixem of London Notary Publique sworne before
the right worshipfull John Godolphin doctor of lawes one of the
Judges of the High Court of the Admiraltie of England saith
and deposeth by vertue of his oath That the bill of sale now
showed unto him of the tenor word for word as followeth videlicet
To all People to whom this Present Writing shall come or that
the same shall see heare or read Peter Van Heinsbergh and John
Bird of London merchants doe send Greeting, Know yee that wee
the said Peter Van Heynsbergh and John Bird for and in Consideration
of ffoure hundred Eighty and three pounds sterling to us in hand offered