HCA 13/73 f.402v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/73 |
Folio | 402 |
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Roger Towner | |
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2014/06/10 | |
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Edited on 10/06/2014 by Roger Towner |
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The 16th of November 1659.[CENTRE HEADING]
Harris and Beomont against the}
Fortune and against Carlton:-}
Francklyn: Smith}
Examined upon an Allegation given
in by Mr Smith on behalfe of
the said Carleton:/:
Rp. jus[LH MARGIN]
Daniel Boone of London merchant
aged 23 yeeres or thereabouts sworne
and Examined :/:
To the said Allegation hee saith and Deposeth that hee
this Deponent Residing at Port Saint Mary neere Cadiz
in Spaine from the begining of the yeere 1657
untill about ffebruary last past, and in that time
dealing in Virginia Leafe Tobaccoe, thereby well Knoweth
that in the monethes of December January ffebruary
and former part of the moneth of March 1657 and
even untill the time this Deponent came from Port Saint Mary
as aforesaid, Virginia Leafe Tobaccoe was in the
Bay of Cadiz Comonly and ordinarily sold for a
Ryall Vellon, Per pound, and soe much was the
most that the said Tobaccoe would yeild in the
said Bay on ship board, And saith that this Deponent
had Virginia Leafe Tobaccoe brought thither
in the latter end of the yeere 1657: and after
hee had bin at the Charge of unlading the same,
hee proffered to sell the same to severall persons
at Port Saint Mary for a Ryall plate per pound but Notwithstanding
hee could not sell the same although it was in
Good Condition, and this Deponent was forced to
Leave the same there at his coming from thence
And hath lately bin Informed from his Corresp[ondent]
at port Saint Mary that a great part of this Deponents
said Tobaccoe is yet unsold, it being (as he saith)
a bad Comodity there, And further cannot depose :
To the Interrogatories [CENTRE HEADING]
To the first hee referreth himselfe to his foregoeing
To the 2d hee saith that ffactors and merchants to whom
goods are Consigned doe use to followe their orders
And saith that during all the time of this Deponentive[?ive GUTTER]
that Virginia Leafe Tobaccoe did rise or fall above
a penny in a pound and otherwise cannot Answer
To the 3d hee saith that Generally the Virginia Leafe
Tobacco that is sent to Cadiz and thereabouts is of the
same goodnes and price, a little more or lesse /.
To the 4th hee saith hee never sawe any of this Tobaccoe in
Repeated before Doctor Sweit
To the last NEGATIVELY to every part thereof
Daniel Boone
In November 1659, Daniel Boone was a twenty-three years of age, and resident in London, describing himself as a "London Merchant" in the suit of Harris and Beomont vs. the Fortune and Car[XX]on. Boone stated in this suit that he had resided at Port Saint Mary near Cadiz in Spain from the beginning of the year 1657 until February 1659, and claimed expertise in dealing with Virginia Tobacco whilst at Port Saint Mary.
Daniel Boone makes an earlier appearance in the Court records, in May 1656, in which he described himself as the servant of the London merchant Christopher Boone, and resident, like Christopher Boone, in London. In this court appearance he was a witness in a case concerning goods supposedly embezled from a Dutch ship, the Hare in the Field, and [1]
Christopher Boone (b. ca. 1618, d. ca. 1686)
Christopher Boone was a prominent London merchant in the 1650s and 1660s, dealing with mainland Spain and with the Canary Islands. He testified in a number of Admiralty Court cases in the 1650s
Admiralty Court references:
- Case: On the behalfe of the foresaid Meyenbergh touching alias Andrew and Chr Muniez, touching goods embeazald out of the hare in the ffeild
- Deponent: Christopfer Boone of London Merchant, aged 38 yeeres (May 12th 1656)HCA 13/71 f.219v
- The clayme of Christopher Boone of London Merchant for severall parcells of silver and Cutcheneale hereto fore specially claymed by Adrian Goldsmith of Antwerpe having bin seized in the Shipps the Sampson Salvador Saint George and Morning Starr and since legally transferred to him The sayd Christopher Boone and perticulerly conteyned in the Instrument of transfference exhibited into this Court the 14th of ffebruary 1654 and remayning in the Registry thereof HCA 13/71 f.337v
- The London merchant John Willmott stated that Christopher Boone lived in Seville in the years 1653 and 1654 and "was a great trader there by him selfe and his Agents and had great correspondence and dealings with sewrall Merchants there and in other places within the dominions of the King of Spaine"HCA 13/71 f.337v
- Another apprentice or servant of Christopher Boone was Benjamin Bathurst, who stated in October 1656, that Christopher Boone resided in London, but had ealier lived at Seville "diverse yeares". Bathurst appears to have preceeded Daniel Boone in Seville, stating that he had lived at the house of Mr Anthony Upton, one of Christopher Boone's Seville agents, in the yeare 1654. There he was employed by Upton "about his Merchandising affayres". According to Bathurts, Anthony Upton, his brother Gilbert Upton, and Gerard Lloyd were all three of them correspondents to and agents of Christopher Boone in Seville.HCA 13/71 f.383v
Probate records
PROB 11/389/1 Will of Christopher Boone, Merchant of London 29 July 1686
Thomas Boone (b. ca. ?, d. ca. ?)