HCA 13/71 f.220r Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.220r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


them the said Andrew and Christofer Munez, and that the names of the
said Robert and henry Meyenberg were only used for them, because the said
Andrew and Christofer were of the Jewish Profession of Religion and
therefore not free to trade in Spaine. And saith they sent him over
the bills of lading and Invoices for the same received from ffrance, And
saith that accordingly this deponent claimed them in this Court and
upon sufficient proofe made for the same, had a sentence for the restitution
thereof; and when hee came to have them restored by the Prize Officers
hee found one of the cases said packs, numbred 1. and marked as in the margent


to be wholly lacking and lost, and found six more of the same markes,
numbred .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 to have bin broken open and severall of the goods
taken thereout, being gold and silver mohair, otherwise french material
tabbie of gold and silver. And saith that the said Invoice mentions
the said seaven cases or packs to containe 26 peeces of the said goods, but in the
said six packs which were found (and which this deponent had) there were
only fourteene peeces contained, soe that there were and are
twelve peeces of the said goods quite wanting and lost; and
further saith that the said twelve peeces after the rate of the Invoice
and their proportion of charges expended were worth and amount unto
two hundred and sixtie pounds sterling or thereabouts; And lastly hee saith
hee hath used all possible diligence to finde out and discover the
said twelve peeces of goods, but can by noe meanes finde them out
soe that they were and are utterly lost and never recovered nor recoverable
upon the said claime.


Repeated before Doctor G.c


The 13th of May 1656.

Rp. 5

Daniel Boone servant of the fore said Christofer
Boone aged 21 yeeres or thereabouts sworne and examined

To the first second and third Interrogatories hee saith and deposeth that
certaine goods laden aboard the shipp the hare in the ffeilds (John Kein master) being by decree of this Court restored upon the claime
of Robert and henry Meyenburg, (presented by his precontest mr
Christofer Boone) this deponent went was sent by his said master mr
Christofer Boone aboard the said shipp then lying before Blackwall
to receive the same from the officers of the Commissioners for
prize goods, and that amongst other goods soe ordered to be restored
and which this deponent was to receive there were seaven small bales
or packs marked and numbred as in the margent, which according
to the Invoice of the lading thereof, contained twenty six peeces of
gold and silver mohaire, otherwise, ffrench watered tabbies of gold
and silver, but saith that this deponent comming ther to receive
them, there was one of the said packs or small bales wanting and
quite gone, and the other six (as appeared to this deponent) had bin
opened, and saith that by the said bale that was wanting and
by what was imbeazald out of the six other packs, there were
twelve peeces of the said goods quite gonne and lost, and were
never received upon the said claime, nor could by any meanes be found