HCA 13/72 f.80v Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.80v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


but by whome they were hyred or at what rates for that hee was
not privie to their hyreing hee cannot depose, and further saving his
subsequent deposition hee cannot depose./

To the 3 hee saith that all the persons schedulate (except the sayd John
Cooper) entered into whole pay at Gravesend on or about the sixteenth day
of October last 1656, when shee sett sayle thense with her ladeing of goods
bound for Waxford in Ireland, where (after hee had touched at Portsmouth
and there shipped the sayd John Cooper) shee safely arrived with her ladeing
and there discharged the same, and there tooke in other goods for Nants in
ffrance where alsoe shee safely arrived, and about the latter end of ffebruary
1656 English style there made a full discharge of all her ladeing brought
thither, and then tooke in there other goods and sett sayle therewith bound
for Corke arlate or some other Port in Ireland, but in her course thitherward
was upon or about the thirteenth day of March 1656 after a fight man=
teyned (wherein the arlate John Lindley was slayne out right, and the arlate
Keeble the Master had his legg shott off soe that hee dyed therof soone after)
seized and taken with her ladeing by a dunkirke man of warr,
who having taken her, tooke the sayd Sandford and this deponent and most
of the sayd shipps Company from on board the Elizabeth and dorothy
and put them aboard the man of warr, and the sayd dunkirker not
longe after meeteing with a holland shipp the dunkirker did with
much entreatie put this deponent, and the sayd Sandford, Roufeild, Kenyon,
Abbott, Oadwell, and Cooper, mentioned in the schedule aforesayd, with other
of the sayd shipps company to the number in all of tenn, on boar the
sayd dutch shipp, who brought this deponent and the rest soe put aboard to
Plymouth, And further of his certayne knowledge hee cannot depose
but saith hee hath credibly heard and beleeveth that shortly after this
deponent and the rest of the sayd shipps Company were put aboard the dutch
shipp as aforesayd, the sayd dunkirke man of warr was mett with
at sea by a ffrigott in the imediate service of this Commonwealth and by
that meanes the Elizabeth and dorothie and her ladeing (consisting of
wine salt vinegar rosin and Iron) were rescued from the sayd
Dunkirke man of warr and brought (as hee hath likewise heard and
beleeveth) to Plymouth,and since restored (as hee hath heard) both
shipp and goods to her Owners./

To the 4th hee saith that the rates schedulate, are usuall rates for
mariners that serve in the like places and offices and in the like shipps and
voyages as the parties schedulate did, and for that hee this deponent was
Cooper on board the Elizabeth and dorothy till her seizure, hee knoweth
that (except the sayd Cooper who came a little while after on board at
Portsmouth) the arlate Sandford and all the rest of the Mariners schedulate
did serve in the sayd shipp Elizabeth and dorothy from the tyme of her
setting sayle from Gravesend as aforesayd till her seizure afore
sayd, and performed their duties according to their places faithfully
and well, and in this deponents Judgment well deserved the severall
rates schedulate for such their service, And further hee cannot depose
