HCA 13/72 f.642r Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.642r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window




The foresayd John Grant upon Interrogatories brought in the second
of November 1658/ [CENTRE HEADING]

see the wittnesses upon
the Libell in B:5/

To the first Interrogatory hhee saith he cometh to testifie in this cause at the request of
the producent Henry Jelfe to whome hee is brother in lawe videlicet hee married the
sayd Jelfs sister And to the rest of the Interrogatorie hee answereth negatively.

To the second Interrogatorie hee saith the hoye or shipp called the Catherine and
Thomas was and is of the burthen of between forty and fifty tonns and
saith the sayd ffawne lodgeing at this deponents house at Gillingham did
thre in presence of this deponent and others (whome by name hee at present
remembreth not) tell the sayd Helfe that hee the sayd ffawne had bought the
sayd hoye or shipp the Catherine and Thomas and willed him to goe to Maydston
River where shee laye and take possession of her as Master, which the sayd Jelfe
accordingly did, and continued Master of her by the space of five or sixe
and thirty weekes (but the certayne day when the sayd Jelfe by the sayd
ffawne his sayd order tooke possession of her, and saith the sayd
Jelfe made severall voyages with the sayd hoye for Coles which hee brought
in her to Chatham or Rochester but whether hee brought them from Newcastle
or Sunderland hee knoweth not. And saith the sayd ffawne was sole Owner
of the sayd hoye or shipp til such tyme as hee sold a part of her to the Interrate
Richard Cleeve this hee the better knoweth for that hee sawe him pay part of
the money for her and this deponent urgeing him soone after hee had bought her and before hee
sold any part of her to the sayd Cleeve) to sell some part of her to some body
and not runne the sole hazard of her himselfe hee the sayd ffawne answered
and sayd noe hee would not but would keepe her all to him selfe though