HCA 13/72 f.606r Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.606r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


The same day. [CENTRE HEADING]

Examined upom the foresaid allegation.



Derrick Everson of Schagen in holland Mariner,
aged 28 yeeres or thereabouts sworne and examined.

To the first second and third articles hee cannot depose
not knoweing either the arlate Giles Marsellis, John
harmans or Cornelius Suyshens.

To the fourth fifth sixth 7 and 8th hee saith that about
two monethes since there were at Santa Cruse arlate laded and
put aboard the shipp the Liesda or Love arlate by a yonge
dutch factor or merchant there then resident three thousand
one hundred eightie and one peeces of Campecha wood
to be in her carried thence to and delivered at Amsterdam,
which hee knoweth for that hee this deponent was then
Stiersman of the said shipp and received and tooke
account of the same as it came aboard, and saith that the
said shipp having received the same aboard departed therewith for Amsterdam,
and comming neere dover was seized by the dartmouth frigot and carried
to the English Admirall in the downes, before whom this deponent being
afterwards brought, hee saw the bill of lading annexed in the said
Admiralls hands, touching which there was some dispute for that it
mentioned three thousand one hundred eightie and foure peeces, whereas
this deponent averred to the Admirall (as the truth was) that there
was but 3181 peeces laded for the merchants account and that there was therein a mistake in the
bill. And saith hee well knoweth the firme or hand of his
precontest Gerrard Grabb master of the said shipp, and verily beleeveth
his name under the said bill to be written with the said Gerrards owne
hand, And further hee cannot depose,s aving that at the time of the said
seizure all the said wood was aboard and came to the takers.

To the 9. 10th and 11th hee saith the said Campecha wood was as hee was
informed and beleeveth laden for account of Merchants of Amsterdam
and there to be delivered. And saith the said factor tooke the said shipp
of the said naster to freight at Santa Cruse, for the said voyage to carry the
said goods to Amsterdam. And further hee cannot depose.

To the 12th hee saith that his foregoing deposition is true.

To the Interrogatories. [CENTRE HEADING]

To the first hee cannot answer.

To the 2, third and fourth hee answereth that upon the comming of the Liesda
to Santa Cruse, this deponent saw there a shipp riding named the Saint John
which ws said to come from the West Indies, and saith the said factor that
laded the said Campecha wood aboard the Liesda, received about halfe
of it out of the said shipp, and laded it next wayes aboard the Liesda
without carrying it ashore, and sent the rest from land, and
this deponent beleeveth that that whichwas soe sent from land
came alsoe out of the Saint John, and saith hee heard that the Saint John
had taken a shipp at the West Indies, but of what countrey or whence
such shipp was hee heard not nor knoweth. And otherwise saveing as aforesaid
cannot answer./

To the 5th hee hath not soe deposed.

To the last hee cannot answer.

