HCA 13/72 f.532v Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.532v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


dollars a month, which allowance was soe meane and
provisions there soe deare that they were forced to feed upon radishes
and radish topps with a little viniger to them and make many meeles
of them and not suffered to send for beere into the towne, or when
they have, their bottles have often tymes bin stayed by the souldiers, and
the beere dranke up and the bottles broken soe that this deponent
and the sayd other prisoners have bin forced to drinke water And
farther hee cannot depose

To the 7th Interrogatorie hee saith that hee hath seene a noate in writing
which hee (having seene the Generalls hand writing to severall noates
touching the allowance for mayntenance of the Postillians company
beleeveth to bee subscribed with the dutch Generall at Battavia his hand, expressing that hee
did give leave that the sayd Kingsman should be allowed to [?make]
[?the ?use] of an Attorney or Councell to advise with touching the
sayd shipp Postillian and her lading, And hee hath credibly heard
that the sayd Kingsman did thereupon make XXXX of the InterXXX
?Vernalte for his Counsell, and having soe done was not
permitted to have his assistance therein And further hee
cannot depose.

To the 8th hee saith that by reason hee attended upon the sayd
Kingsman and went abroad with him severall tymes hee knoweth
that the sayd Kingsman had constantly one souldier at least attending
upon him when hee went abroad and was not permitted to speake
anything but in the souldiers presence at such tymes as this deponent
went with him And saith for that hee this deponent sawe the sayd
Kingsman come aboard the Crowne Lyon (a dutch shipp wherein hee
and this deponent and his precontest Jasper Williams came from Batavia
to Saint Hellina) hee knoweth hee was brought aboard her under guard of
two souldiers, in which shipp the sayd Kingsman this dept and the sayd Williams were carried to Saint Hellena a
barraine Island and there left by the dutch to get passage as they
could for England And farther hee cannot depose

To the 9th hee saith hee referreth him selfe to his answeres to
the 5th and 6th Interrogatories and further cannot answere

To the last hee saith the Postillian was the tyme Interrogate of
about two hundred tonne burthen and had then nyne gunnes
and was worth with her tackle and furniture in this deponents
Judgment sixteene hundred pounds sterling and better And
saith the greatest part of her lading was pepper, and some
Cloves, nutmeggs, greene ginger, [?canes], and other merchandizes
the greatest part whereof belonged to the Interrogate Delboe
Middleton and the said Temms Britton taylor and Syon freighters and Owners of the sayd shipp