HCA 13/72 f.532r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/72 |
Folio | 532 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2013/08/23 |
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ladeing or soe much thereof as hee thought fitt for pepper and
other goods for Account of the sayd Symon Delboe Andrew
Middleton Nathaniell Temms Thomas Britton John Taylor and Abraham Syon (sic) and having thereabord the same, and also some
pepper and other goods for Accompt of him selfe the sayd Kingsman,
and his Mariners (whereof this deponent was one) departed peaceably
from Bantam therewith bound for Europe, And saith there
was a good quantitie of dollers or peeces of eight aboard the sayd shipp
at such her departure from Bantam but the certaine summe or for whose of
Accompt hee knoweth not And saith the sayd shipp with her sayd
homewards ladeing and moneye being come some few leagues from
Bantam shee was chased by fower dutch shipps belonging to the
dutch East India Company who fired some gunnes at her which
another dutch shipp belonging to the sayd dutch East India Company
who lay in the Postillians way for Europe takeing notice of
sett sayle and mett the Postillian and in a hostile manner
assaulted her and made divers shott at her with bulletts some
whereof tore and spoiled her sayles and rigging and soome tooke ?place
in the hull of her and in her ?interia the other dutch shipps who
were in chase of her came up with her, and soe among them seized
upon her and her ladeing and diaposessed her Captaine and Company
of her and it, and put dutch men aboard her and carried
her ladeing to Batavia and there imprizoned the sayd Kingsman
the Captaine of her and Samuell ?Card:X her Purser first aboard
a dutch shipp and after in the Castle of Batavia where they were
kept close prisoners for some weekes and not permitted to speake
with any of the Postillians Company, and (as this deponent heard
by the relation if his precontest Jasper Williams who
goeing one day to the Castle to carry the sayd Kingsman a
Coate was kept a prizoner there, and as hee alsoe heard by relation
of some Statesmen who speake good English and were then (OR, ther) souldiers
belonging to the sayd castle) the sayd Kingsman and Carde were
forced to lye upon a brick pavement for some dayes without any
cloathes but their wearing garments, and afterwards when more
liberty was graunted that his shipps company might come and speake
with him yet they were not suffered to speake but at a distance the sayd
Kingsman standing sixe or eight stepps higher upon a point of the
Castle and those who came to speake with him standing belowe on the
Court of guards and souldiers who understood and spake English
being allwaies present to heare what was sayd, and afterwards
this deponent being permitted to be with the sayd Kingsman in the
Castle during his stay at Battavia thereby knoweth that the allowance
made by the Generall for victualls for the sayd Kingsman, Carde
this deponent and his precontest Jasper Williams and one John Yard and
another who were constantly with the sayd Kingsman, was only twelve