HCA 13/72 f.485r Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.485r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


goe into Bantam Roade, nor not soe much as the shipps boate to goe
off to advise the English companies agent if the said shipps arivall,

To the fifth article hee saith and deposeth that the said dutch generall
and shipps kept the said shipp the Endymion in this condition and detention
by the space of nine dayes, at the end whereof the said Captaine
Couchman and company seeing noe hopes that the dutch would alter their [?XXXXX]
sett saile with their said shipp the Endymion for Jambee, at which port
having procured what pepper was there to be had, they set saile back
againe, and comming neere the foresaid place where the said dutch fleete
was lying, there came againe three saile of them out to the Endymion
whose Captaine and company hoped then to have gonne freely
into Bantam and have compleated their tonnage and soe to have sailed
for England, it being now about foure monethes since her departure
from the dutch to goe for Jambee, and the said dutch shipps that
soe came out commanded and constrained the said shipp the Endymion
to come againe to an anchor by their Generall, and commanded
this deponent who was then commander of the Endymion (the
said Captaine Couchman being then deceased) to come aboard and this deponent going
aboard the then Generall of the dutch, was by him strictly prohibited
and forbidden to goe into the Roade of Bantam with his
said shipp, only upon this deponents earnest intreatie the said
Generall (as if hee therein did the English a greate favour) suffered
them to send their boate ashore to give notice to the English Agent
of their being there, And this second stay an detention of the said
shipp the Endymion hee saith was when the said shipp was
come within foure or five leagues of Bantam, and soe farr hee
saith they were constrained to send their boate to goe ashore to advise
the said English Agent as aforesaid, And about the same distance
from Bantam the said [?former] stay and detention of the Endymion
was made, all which hee knoweth being as aforesaid first mate
and afterwards commander of the said shipp the Endymion.

To the sixth and 7th articles hee saith that the Endymions boate having bin
soe ashore retourned with the said English Agent
who accompanied with this deponent went aboard the said dutch
Generall, to whom hee addressed himselfe and intreated him to
permit the said shipp to come into Bantam roade to receive in
such goods as were there in a readines for her, but the said Generall
answered that hee durst not give her leave to goe into the said Roade
without expresse order therein first had from Batavia, or
in words to the same effect, whereupon the said Agent retourned ashore
and about a fortnight after hee retourned againe aboard the Endymion
and acquainted this deponent and other the officers, that hee and the