HCA 13/72 f.484v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/72 |
Folio | 484 |
Side | Verso |
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IMAGE: IMG_121_11_5295.JPG | |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2013/11/15 |
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in the sayd yeere 1656, And saith that neither the said shipp the Endymion
nor any of her company offered any affront, iniury or provocation
to any dutch shipp or shipps that were there at that time, or to any of
the commanders or company of any of them, All which hee knoweth
being first Mate and afterwards commander of her the said voyage
Nor did as hee beleeveth any of the said other English shipps or any
of their company offer any iniury whatsoever to the dutch there.
To the third article hee saith that in the moneth of August last
the said shipp the Endymion (whereof this deponent was then masters
mate) in her voyage from England for Bantam comming into the
Streight of Sundra, did on or about the seaventh day of the said
moneth (old stile) meet in the said Straight a single shipp
appertaining to the dutch [?crussing] too and againe, which said dutch
shipp sailed along with the Endymion till the next day, [?XXX]
they came within sight of Pullapanjan, where foure other
dutch shipps hee saith were rideing, all which upon sight of
the Endymion and the said other shipp weighed and stood to [?XXXX]
and when they were come neere, there came one of their [?sloopes] aboard
the Endymion with command brought by one that was therein, that
the Endymion should come to an anchor by their Generall who
was still riding at Pullapanjan, which the Commander and
company of the Endymion obeyed and sailed along with them an
soe came to an anchor near their said Generall; but the dutch
pretending that the Endymion rode too farr off them, [?XXX]
and commanded the Endymion to be brought to an anchor yet
nearer to their Generall, and this hee conceiveth they did to
show their power and greatnes; upon which command, the
Captaine and company of the Endymion obeying, brought her to
an anchor yet nearer to the said Generall; All which hee
knoweth because hee was present in the Endymion and heard and
saw the premisses soe donne.
To the fourth article hee saith and deposeth that after such second
comming of the Endymion to an anchor neere the dutch
Generall, there came a summons aboard the said shipp Endymion
to come aboard
the said Generall, but the said Captain Couchman not being then
in health, sent his Purser both to excuse his not comming by meanes
of such his indisposition, and to
learne the reason wherefore the said shipp the Endymion and her
company and lading were soe detained, and saith the said Purser [?having]
bin aboard the Generall retourned aboard the Endymion and in this
deponents presence and hearing related that the said generall
had said and declared that hee would not permit the Endymion to