HCA 13/72 f.433r Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.433r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the last he saieth his foregoeing deposition is true./

To the Interrogatories on the behalf of His Highnesse [INDENTED HEADING]

To the first Interrogatorie hee saieth, That he cometh to testify the trueth
of his knowledge in this Cause at the request of the Claymer John
Rouse, and doeth not expect or us promised any benefitt by the restitution
of the goods now Claymed. And further cannot depose./

To the second hee saieth, hee hath knowne the said John Rowse personally
onely for some few daies last past, but by relation of the said Caseby
he this deponent signed bills of lading in the said Rouse his name for his
outwards Cargo predeposed, and did not then otherwise know him the said producent
And further hee saieth he cannot depose./

To the third hee saieth, he referreth himselfe to that which he hath
deposed to the Allegation in this Cause, And further hee cannot depose./

To the fowerth Interrogatorie he saieth, That he this examinate hath no other
knowledge of the factor interrate then onley upon the occasion predeposed
And that the said factor was and is commonly accompted a Portugueze
by Nation And further to this Interrogatorie he cannot depose./

To the fifth hee saieth, That he well knoweth That the said Alvarez
did actually cause the wynes in question to be laden on board this deponents
shipp as aforesaid, and that Laurence Reynerson this deponents Steeresman
received the same on board the said shipp, and that thereupon this
deponent signed bills of lading for the same as aforesaid for the accompt
aforesaid, and that this deponent doeth not beleeve that the goods now Claimed
are for the accompt of any Spaniards or Subjects of the king of Spaine
And further hee saieth he cannot of his knowledge or observation depose
being, as he saieth, ignorant of any such Colouring, as is interrate./

To the 6th hee saieth, That he referreth himselfe to his
precedent deposition made upon the allegation in this Cause, And
further to this Interrogatorie he cannot depose

To the 7th hee saieth, That he this deponent signed the bill of lading
aforesaid in the house of the said Alvarez at Oratava upon or about
the day of the date therein expressed and not elsewhere nor otherwise
And referreth himselfe to the said bill of lading now exhibited and to
his precedent deposition to the Allegation in this Cause exhibited, hee saieth
hee cannot further or otherwise depose./

Pieter Binn[?e]wysent [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


The 8th day of November 1658.

The Claime of Peter Sterico}
for his goods and moneyes in}
the two brothers [?XXXX] Cornelison master}
taken by the fforrester ffrigot}
whereof Anthonie Archer was}
Captaine Budd ffranklin}

Examined on an Allegation given in on the behalfe of the
said Peter Sterico:

Ezidero Cattalan of Catalonia aged 20 yeeres or
thereabouts sworne and Examined:/:

To the first article hee cannot depose.

To the second article hee saith hee well knoweth the arlate Peter Sterico
and hath soe done for about Nine yeeres last, and saith that
this deponent being upon a trading voyage in the monethes of may and
June 1658: at Santa Cruze in the Canaryes, did about the Middle of