HCA 13/72 f.432v Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.432v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


and examined saieth as followeth, to witt.

To the first and second articles of trhe said Allegation hee saieth, The
shipp the Saint Lawrence arlate (of which this deponent was and is Master)
did in or about the moneth of March 1657/8. allate saile under the
Conduct and Command of this deponent from this Port of London to the
Port of Oratava in the Island of Teneriffe, and that the allate
John Rouse of London Merchant did (as this deponent credibly
heard and verily beleeveth) agree with John Caseby also of London
Merchant this deponents originall affraighter for the said voiage, to
take and employ her upon Tonnage for the bringing home to this
Port of London forty pipes of Canarie wynes for the said Rouse
the producents accompt, and that hee the said producent did send
outwards in this deponents said shipp upon her said voiage Bayes
Cottons and other goods and merchandises (the particulars or va[?llew]
whereof this deponent was not nor is acquainted with) and did
consigne the same into the allate Nicholas Alvarez his the said
producents factor resident at the Teneriffe aforesaid where the said
shipp with the said goods did safely arrive, and the said goods were
by this deponent or order duely delivered there unto the said Nicholas
Alvarez in conformity to the bill of lading, which this deponent
had signed for the same by the said Casebys direction And further he cannot depose./

To the third and fowerth articles and to the schedule or bill of lading
thereunto annexed this deponent saieth, That the said Nicholas
Alvarez in the quality aforesaid did in or about the moneth of
June 1658. last past lade or cause to to be laden in and on board
this deponents sad shipp in the Port Orotava of Teneriffe the number
of three and twenty pipes of Canary wynes marked and numbred
as in the margent, Which as this deponent verily beleeveth were by

the said producents ffactor really bought provided and laden for
the said producents accompt with and for the proceed or part of the
proceed of the said producents said outward Cargo, and were by
the said factor ordered and consigned to be transported in the said
shipp to the Port of London, and here to be delivered unto the said
producent or his Assignes for his accompt, And to that effect and
purpose hee this deponent did with his owne handwriting really
and truely subscribe unto the bill of lading annexed to the said
Allegation, for the receipt and delivery of the said pipes of wyne
according to the tenor of the said bill of lading, and of two other [?of]
the same tenor signed also by this deponent who doeth, ad he saieth
most assuredly beleeve, that the said annexed bill of lading was
and is reall and true in the whole contents thereof, whereunto he
referreth himselfe, And further cannot depose./



John Casby

John Casby is described as a London merchant in The Lord Protector against a certaine shipp called the Saint Lawrence (whereof Peter Binnewysent was and is Master) and the wynes and goods in the same taken by some of the shipps in the immediate service of this Commonwealth and against John Caseby and others coming in for their interest[1]. He is identified in this case as the original "affraighter" of the Saint Lawrence.

Casby was not a witness in this case. However, he was deposed on February 16th 1658(59) in the separate claime of Robles in the Saint Lawrence.

In Casby's deposition he describes himself as a merchant of London, aged thirty-two years. According to his deposition, he had lived in the Canary islands, where he had known Antonio Rodrigues Robles, before Robles moved to London in about 1652. Casby himself had moved to London three years before the time of his deposition.[2]

Further detail is provided by Richard Casby, a twenty-one year old London merchant, who had lived with John Casby for eight years - five of those in the Canary islands, and the last three back in London. According to Richard Casby, John Casby's correspondent in the Canary islands was Don Christoval da Alvarado, with whom he traded under the fictitious name of "Peter vander Rubin[3]


Primary sources



C 6/398/9 Short title: Clapham v Bevan. Plaintiffs: William Clapham merchant of London. Defendants: Robert Bevan merchant. Subject: An injunction to stop the defendant from proceeding against the plaintiff for the payment of his gaming debt. He lost at dice and trunktable whilst in Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain and settled the debt there: mentions Don Allanso de Calderon, of Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain, Don Christopher Brackmonte merchant, of Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain, John Caseby merchant, of Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain. Document type: bill, answer. 1665
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