HCA 13/72 f.282r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/72 |
Folio | 282 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2013/10/01 |
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To the last hee saith his foregoeing deposition is true/
To the Interrogatories [CENTRE HEADING]
To the first hee saith hee hath gome Master severall voyages in the Shipps the
Martin of London and the Shipp Blockerki[?r]ke of London to ffrance some to
Spaine and some to Barcelona and other parts in the streights And saith hee went
Boatswaine of the shipp the Peter from Portugall to the Brazeele the voyage in
question And further hee cannot answere not knowing by whome the sayd
shipp was freighted that voyage, nor what was expressed in the Charterparty
for the sayd voyage for Average, nor who receaved the same, nor whether any
Claymes were made for any part thereof by the owners of the sayd shipp./
To the 2 Interrogatorie hee saith that by reason of the intemperature of the Ayre in
Brazeele, Seamen are allowed some smale matter extraordinary in wages
more then in other voyages from England to other places, but saith that the
Average allowed for those voyages from Lisbon to Brazeele are only in
consideration of the great hazard they runne by danger of being surprized by the dutch
and by reason of preiudice that intemperature of the Country of Brazeele
may bee to their health, and not in consideration (as hee beleeveth) of any
weare and teare of the shipp, And saith that a shipp if shee bee carefully
looked to may in this deponents Judgment receave as little hurt in one of
those voyages to Brazeele as in other voyages from England to ffrance
or Spaine if shee continue there as smale tyme as in those voyages And
further hee cannot depose/
To the 3 hee saith hee was never present at the makeing of any Charterparty for
any voyage from Lisbone to the Brazeele nor knoweth what Average was
put into them to be paid for the same, nor sawe any such Average paid, nor
knoweth whether the Owners know thereof, And saith that hee goeing Boatswaine
of the Peter aforesayd the voyage in question knoweth that Joseph dobins
the Master of her as appeareth by his Accompts had only sixe pounds tenn shillings a moneth for him selfe
and his servant, which hee saith is noe neere then ordinary wages and such
as hee this deponent going Master of shipps from England to ffrance
Spaine and the Streights And hee hath heard some Commanders of English
shipps who went to Brazeele the same voyage that the Peter went saye that
the Master of a ffrench shipp which went the same voyage and at the same
tyme as the Peter did had fifteene pounds a moneth allowed him for his
pay as Master for the sayd voyage besides other priviledges And further hee cannot answere/
To the 4th hee saith that hee never went any voyage to the Brazeele but
only the voyage in question And beleeveth that all Masters English
or other who goe the sayd voyage doe and ought to receave his wages
over and above the Average agreed by Charterparty And further
to this Interrogatorie hee cannot depose./
To the 5th Interrogatorie hee saith it concerneth him not to answeare thereto having
not deposed to the article Interrogate neither can hee answere any thing
to the effect of this Interrogatorie./
To the 6th Interrogatorie hee saith that the freight for Brazeele voyages is as in
other voyages agreed upon at the place from whence the shipps proceede
upon the voyage but beleeveth that it lyes in the masters power to make