HCA 13/72 f.281v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/72 |
Folio | 281 |
Side | Verso |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2013/10/01 |
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Master the voyage in question and beleeveth that in the sayd voyage there was, and constantly
is in voyages to the Brazeele from Lisbone a certayne average allowed
by Charterparty and bills of ladeing, over and besides the freight expressed
in the Charterparty, which primage and average hee saith is constantly allowed by the
ffreighters to the Master and Mariners as belonging to them and not to the Owners
of the shipp, and is usually paid to the Master and Company as an [?incent= GUTTER]
ment to them in respect of the great danger of the voyage both in regard of
the heate of the Country of Brazeele which much endangers their health
as alsoe to oblige them to fight the dutch who are enymyes to the Portug[alls GUTTER]
and also to pay what dammage happens by ill stowage or want of pumping
or other carelessnesse or neglect of the Master and Company of the shipp
And this primage and average is the only allowance (their wages excepted) which the Master and
Mariners have in the sayd voyage, and if they were not allowed that, they
would (as this deponent beleeveth) have now allowance at all but their bare wages And further to
this article hee cannot depose having never nbin any voyage from Lisbone to the
Brazeele but only the voyage in question. nor having seene any Charterparty for a[ny GUTTER]#Brazeele voyage./
To the 4th hee cannot depose./
To the 5th hee saith that hee thsi deponent was present at Lisbone when the
arlate Nye Tatam and Wills with their shipp arlate went from Lisbone
to Brazeele upon a voyage and at their returne thence to Lisbone and
hath heard and verily beleeveth that they had
allowed to them by their Charterparties and that they did (as hee beleeveth)
receave the same, to the use and benefitt of them and their companyes as properly
belonging to them and not to their owners of their sayd shipps And further
to this article hee cannot depose for the reason aforesayd having never seene any
Charterparty for a Brazeele voyage./
To the 6th hee saith that hee having bin A Master of Shipps severall
yeares and gone many voyages knoweth that in all charterpartyes
made for other voyages and not the Brazeele there is usually expressed
the freight and beside the freight primage average and Pellilodmonage accustomed
which primage Average and Pellidmonage doth properly belongand is usually
and Constantly paid to the Masters and Companys of shipps as belonging only
to them, and the Owners have nothing to doe therewith but are only to have
the freight, and hee this deponent hath in behalfe of him selfe and Company
severall tymes receaved the said allowance of primage Average and
Pellilodmonage and hath not any way accompted to the Owners of the shipp
for the same And never heard or knew that any Owners of shipps ought
to have any part thereof And hee this deponent verily beleeveth and
is perswaded in his conscience that the Average in Brazeele Charterparties
expressed are one and the same thing with the primage Average and
pelilodmonage expressed in other Charterparties for other voyages and
doe alsoe belong to the Masters and Companyes of the shipps that goe
the sayd Brazeele voyage And further hee cannot depose./
To the 7th hee saith that two Ryalls average upon every duckett freight
for goods sent in English shipps either from dover or flanders to
Cadiz Saint Lucar or Genoa and Leghorne is more in proportion than seaventy
Rees upon a Roove Average when there is sixteene mill Rees per tonne
paid for freight And further to this article saving his foregoeing
deposition hee cannot depose./