HCA 13/72 f.187v Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.187v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


hee remembreth not) there happened a very great and violent storme
which continued for many dayes togeather by meanes whereof the
Unitie and the sayd ffoxes shipp were separated the one from the other
and lost each others company and sawe one an other noe more till the sayd
ffoxes shipp arrived at Antego, where shee came in for safety and
preservation, though shee were bound for James River in Virginia
the place the Unitie was alsoe bound to if shee could have gotten thither
And further to this article hee cannot depose./

To the 11th 12th 13th 14th and 15th articles hee saith that after the Unitie had
soe lost the company of the sayd ffox his shipp the sayd Moulson and Company
did discover at Sea an other shipp (which they afterwards understood was
the hopefull Luke arlate and bound alsoe for Virginia where shee never arrived
being cast away as they afterwards heard upon the coast of Bermudas) but by reason of the stresse of
weather within few dayes lost the sight of her againe And the Unitie she
continueing her course for Virginia the storme encreased more and more
and was alsoe accompanied with much snowe hayle thunder and lightning
and the sea wrought exceeding high and often brake into the sayd
shipp Unitie notwithstanding all endeavour that could bee used by her
Master and Company to prevent the same and by that meanes the bedding of
the passengers and Company and the passengers cloathes which were packed
upon caske and other the goods aboard the sayd shipp were
and the bread and other provisions of the shipp were much damnified
by wett rewards by reason of the seas breaking in, and some of the
Caske wherein the provisions of beere and fresh water were kept were
staved soe that the Company and passengers were in much want thereof
and much straightned in their allowance and soe violent the storme
was and continued soe longe that by reason there of the shipps company
were forced continually to worke at the Chayne pumpe to preserve
her from sinkeing and soe wrought constantly at the pumpe day and
night till shee gott to Antego (which happened in the moneth of January
one thousand six hundred fifty fower English style) And hee well
knoweth being Carpenter as aforesayd that with the violence and
long continuance of the sayd stormy and tempestious weather the sayd
shipp Unitie was soe exceeding battered and shaken that most of
her bonds, and her standers gave way, and her mayne knee gave
way about seaven or eight inches from the stemme and the stemme
gave way from the upper workes the butt ends of the plankes of the
shipp started and gave way and her wayles, and her beames, wrought
to and fro, and the Oakeham wrought out of her seames, and the
forechaynes of the shipp were washed away to the great endanering
of the losse of the foremast and part of the sheathing and some of
the false bends of the sayd shipp were alsoe washed away and
notwithstanding the sayd shipps being kept with continuall pumpeing
by reason the sea often brake in and shee shipped much water, shee had
once five foote water in hold, and this deponents mate (being in
hold with this deponent and others) ranne up out of the hold and told the sayd
Master the shipp was a sinkeing and the company and passengers



Hopeful Luke

There are a significant number of primary and secondary sources mentioning this distinctively named ship

  • British hired vessel ship 'Hopeful Luke' (1642)[1]
  • Jump up British hired vessel ship 'Hopeful Luke' (1642), in Three Decks database, viewed 20/11/13