HCA 13/72 f.187r Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.187r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


goe out to Sea upon the voyage in question and that soone after they had
weighted Anchor the mayne Jeere block though strongly bound with Iron brake
to peeces soe that by meanes thereof the mayne yard fell downe and the shipp
was forced to come to Anchor againe, and alsoe this deponent heard severall
of the passengers servants in the sayd shipp saye that shee alsoe told them that
though shee went not, yet they should not gett to Virginia that voyage nor
to the Barbados, but should suffer great extremities at sea but should gett
at length safe to Land without losse of life, or to that effect, for which reasons
shee was suspected by the Company to bee a witch and was thereupon by
consent of the Master and company turned ashoare at dublin as
feareing shee might prove dangerous and preiudiciall to the sayd voyage
soe that the number of servants or passengers which remayned aboard at
the shipps departure from dublin were about fiftie persons And further
to this article hee cannot depose./

To the 7th article hee saith hee being Carpenter as a foresayd knoweth that many deales were
Cutt out while the shipp arlate lay at dublin and in her voyage to make cabbins
and bulke heads for the conveniences of the servants passengers in the sayd
voyage this hee the better knoweth for that hee being carpenter cutt the
sayd deales and made the sayd cabbins and bulke heads with the assistance
of his mate, but what number of deales were cut hee remembreth
not but saith there were none of them used by the sayd Mouldson for his
owne private use soe farr as hee this deponent knoweth or remembreth
and further hee cannot depose/

To the 8th and 9th articles hee saith that the arlate Mouldson
and Company after they had receaved the sayd servants aboard as afore=
sayd did with the first oportunitie of winde and weather put out
to sea intending to proceede on their voyage to Virginia (but the certayne
tyme hee remembreth not for that hee this deponent being Carpenter was
busied about doeing things in the shipp usefull for the sayd voyage) And
saith that the sayd shipp was severall tymes by crosse windes put back
to dublin harbour but at length the weather proveing fayre againe sett
forth to sea with intente to goe with the sayd shipp and passengers for Virginia
and having bin some few dayes or some short tyme at sea the winde
blew exceeding hard and the sea was very tempestious by reason thereof
in soe much that by the furie thereof the Boatswaine of the sayd shipp
was washed off from the forecastle thereof and perished in the sea
and the foresayle of the shipp was blowne away and her company had
much a doe to preserve the mayne sayle from being blowne away
And further to those articles hee cannot depose./

To the 10th hee saith that hee remembreth that after the Boatswaine was
soe cast away and the Unitie had lost her foresayle shee notwithstanding
continued on her course for Virginia and in such her course mett with
the shipp whereof the arlate Mr ffox was Commander (whose name as
hee well remembreth was the Margarett and not the Mathew, and the better
remembreth her name to bee soe for that hee wrought on board her after
her coming to Antego the sayd voyage) and saith that shortly after
the Unitie soe werr with the sayd ffoxe his shipp (the tyme more certainly