HCA 13/71 f.68r Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.68r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the 25th article hee saith hee well knoweth that all the Currance that come
from the Gulphe aforesayd and were laden aboard the Cesar, were laden in the Caske of
the arlate Thomas Rowse and ffrancis ffowke brought as aforesayd from
Castle de Mar and steeved by the steevers coopers and occupation>mariners predeposed of
and the rest of the Currance laden aboard the sayd shipp ˹XXX˺ in caske and brought
now as aforesayd ready steeved in Caske, and brought out of the warehouses in
Caske predeposed in Caske, And hee saith hee was present when the sayd
Clement harbie did (for the Accompte of the arlate Thomas Rowse and
ffrancis ffowke) pay for the damorage of the sayd shipp Cesar in Turkey,
and ˹saith hee˺ hath paid and is to pay for their Accompt all other charges belonging
to the sayd shipp according to the tenor of the Charterpartie of the voyage
in question as he beleeveth And further to this article hee cannot depose/

To the 26th and 27th and 28th article hee saith hee cannot depose/

To the 29th hee saith saving his foregoing deposition hee refereth
hee cannot further depose to this article./

To the 30th 31th 32th hee cannot depose saving his saith hee beleeveth for that hee
hee sawe that according to the XXXX which Coffie ˹XXXX XXX XXX the Coffiee and pepper arlate were worth about one thousand five hundred dollars by reason˺ XXXX as Petras aforesayd were consignedXXX XXXX

X (Cross relating to marginalia down side) X part adjusment when the same was then delivered would accompt to at least the sayd 1500 dollars and a far greater summe./

To the 33th hee cannot depose having never heard the arlate Clement harbie
make at Petras arlate any such clayme as is arlate or speake anything
to the arlate ffudge touching delivery of any currances at Augustroll. Saving what is
expressed in his subsequent deposition to the fifth and sixth Interrogatories/

To the 34th article hee saith hee knoweth that the shipp Cesar and her Captaine
Captaine ffudge were in Nathalagoe Roade all the tyme the arlate Clement
harbie was there aboard the Elizabeth and Annie arlate, for that hee knoweth that
the sayd Clement Harbie came from Zant to Nathalagoe in the Cesar
and went from there againe in her to Petras And further to this article
hee cannot depose./

To the 35th article hee saith hee cannot depose

To the 36th article of the sayd allegation hee saith that upon the fourteenth
day of October 1655 the arlate Clement Harbie on the deck of the shipp
the Cesar then being in the Roade of Augustoll speake to this deponent and
disyred him to speake unto the Company of the Cesar that they should
deliver noe currants out of the sayd shipp to any one till shee
came to England; or hee then speake words to this deponent to the very
like effect And further to this article hee cannot depose./

To the 37th article hee saith hee cannot depose saving hee saith hee did see
Clement Harby bring two baggs or groupes of money on board the Cesar
and did see the arlate heare the sayd ffudge say that hee did signe a
bill of lading for them./

To the last videlicet the 38th article hee saith hee knoweth that one Aron Estes
went in the shipp Cesar from Nathaloge to Petras but upon what
teries or by whose appointment hee knoweth not And further to this
article hee cannot depose./


Primary sources



C 6/143/81 Short title: Harby v Charlton. Plaintiffs: Susannah Harby widow. Defendants: Robert Charlton . Subject: personal estate of the deceased Clement Harby , of Middlesex. Document type: bill, demurrer. SFP. 1657


State Papers

SP 86/2 Nathaniel Lodington and John Dodsworth (Consuls in Malta), James Paul, Clement Harby, Samuel Hayward, Daniel Moore, and John Sargint (Consuls in Zante), Abraham Stanyan (Consul in Milan), the Chevalier de Bataille (in French), etc. Notes: Volumes SP 86/2-4, retain, possibly, their original bindings, and appear once to have formed a separate series. SP 86/2 has the inscription 'Paper Office 1770' on the front cover in gold leaf, and 'No 1' is just still visible on the spine. 1686-1755