HCA 13/71 f.67v Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.67v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


any Currants aboard the Cesar at Nathalagoe went back from thence
with the sayd shipp to Petras to take aboard the sayd shipp such Currants
of the Moreas was there provided to be laden aboard them, and there
found the sayd Thomas Oliver somwhat recovered in his health, and that
hee had gotten the Currants of the Petras into the house and warehouses of
the sayd Consul William ffowke and him the sayd Thomas Oliver, and had
sent two servants of the late Consull William ffowke vicelicet one Mamot bashaw[?e] Turke and Constantine a Greeke
the Gulphe arlate to fetch Currants thence, And hee saith
that the sayd two servants brought the Currants from the Gulfe aforesayd to the
side of the shipp Cesar at Petras in boates (wherein alsoe came some Turkes of whom
the sayd Currants were bought) which Turkes refused to deliver the
Currants out of the sayd boates
till they sawe what satisfaction they should have for them,
whereupon while the sayd Currants were in delivery on board the
Cesar the sayd Harbie gave the sayd Turkes satisfaction for the
sayd Currants by paying them five Chests of Coffie nyne baggs of
pepper which were laden on board the Cesar at Zant in manner predeposed and certain dollars which hee had on board the sayd shipp which
they receaved and departed satisfied therewith, this hee deponeth being
purser and seeing the premisses done in manner predeposed And further to
these articles hee cannot depose /

To the 23th hee saith that the Currants aforesayd brought from the Gulfe
aforesayd were hoysed on board the Cesar in baggs and then steeved by the
sayd shipps Company and Cooper and other steevers and Coopers appointed by the
sayd Thomas Oliver into Casks brought in the sayd shipp Cesar from
Castle de Marr arlate, and all the rest of the Currants brought home
in the sayd shipp were brought in casks ready steeved out of the
warehouses of the arlate William ffowke then deceased and of the sayd Thomas Oliver at
Petras, this hee deposeth of his sight and knowledge being purser as aforesayd
and further to this article hee cannot depose: /

To the 24th article of the sayd allegation hee saith that none of the
Currants brought to London in the Cesar were at any tyme before
the ladeing of them in the possession of the arlate Clement Harbie or
of the man sent by the arlate Humfrey Hardwick
as hee beleeveth, and the reason of such his beleefe is, for that hee
sawe the Currants which came from the Gulphe, laden by the Turkes in
manner predeposed aboard the Cesar, and sawe those at Petras taken out
of the warehouses of the sayd deceased William ffowke, and of Thomas
Oliver aforesayd in manner aforesayd, And further to this article hee
cannot depose. /