HCA 13/71 f.658r Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.658r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the first, second and third Interrogatoryes he deposeth
and saith that he the deponent did very well know
the interrate shipp the Peter and Jane, being one
of the said shipps Company (whereof the interrate
George Chappell was master) That she was of
the burden of (about) 250 Tonnes and had in her
at the time of her seizure interrate 21 Gunns, and
was a new, tight and stanch shipp (the voyage
interrate being the first she ever made) and that the
interrate Peter Middleton, Edward and John Bushell
were of this deponents knowledge reputed part owners of
her, and that the said shipp being in Lisbon in the
possessiom of the said George Chappell she was about
the moneth of June 1650 seized upon by order of the
king of Portugall and the said Chappell and all
the said shipps Company turned out of her and imprisoned
and the said shipp imployed by the said king of
Portugall as a man of warr against the fleet of
the Commonwealth, and that she was in the said
kings service about the space of sixe monthes, and
that the said shipp did well deserve 200 li per month
for her imployment, but that there was never
any satisfaction made for her said service And
further he cannot depose.

To the fourth and fifth Interrogatoryes he deposeth that the
shipp interrate was victualled (at the time of her seizure)
for a Westerne=Island voyage, and that the same
provisions were allmost spent at the time of the said
shipps redelivery And that there belonged unto the said
shipp at the time of her being seized or sequestred 35
Mariners besides the Master interrate, who were all
imprisoned and deteyned by the king of Portugall for
sixe monthes time at least to their very great damage
and losse, And that the said Master and his servants
wages amounteth unto the summe of 54 li for the said sixe
monthes And further he cannot depose.

To the sixth, seaventh and eighth Interrogatoryes he deposeth and
saith that the Master interrate could not expend lesse than
137 li in the maintenance of himselfe and the said shipps
Company during their said imprisonment, and that
the Master had aboard the said shipp at the time interrate
divers goods and merchandizes as seeds, silkes, steele
papers (the value whereof he knoweth not) all which he
utterly lost and was deprived of And he alsoe
deposeth that the goods and six monthes wages of 29
Mariners of the 35 Mariners (which belonged
unto the said shipp) amounteth and commeth unto
the summe of sixe hundred ninety seaven pounds
and fifteene shillings at the least, And
further he deposeth not./

Richard Seaward [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]