HCA 13/71 f.657v Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.657v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


he saith that the said shipp being at Lisbone in the possession
of the interrerogated George Chappell the Master of her was
in the moneth of June 1650 seized upon by order
of the king of Portugall, and the said Chappell
and the shipps Company turned out of her and
imprisoned and the said shipp made a man of
warre and imployed in the service of the king of
Portugall against the ffleet of this Commonwealth, and
that the said shipp was in the said king of Portugalls
service for the space of sixe moneths, for which service
shee was neither any satisfaction made that this
deponent ever heard of And further he cannot depose

To the third and fourth Interrogatoryes he deposeth and saith
that the shipp interrate was of the burden of about 25[?0 GUTTER]
Tonns and had in her at the time of seizure 21 gunns
and that she was a new, strong, tight and stanch shipp
(the said voyage being the first she ever went) and
that she could not deserve less than 200 li per month for
her imployment and that at the time of her being
seized or sequestred she was very well victualled and[?stored GUTTER]
with ammunition, and that her provisions were very much
diminished when she was redelivered And further
he cannot depose.

To the fifth Interrogatory he deposeth that 35 Mariners did
belong unto the said shipp besides the Master interrate
who were all imprisoned by the said king of Portugall
and deteyned sixe months at least to their great losse
and damage, and he saith that the said Master and
his servants wages amounted unto 54 li at the least for
the said sixe monthes And further he cannot depose.

To the sixth Interrogatory he deposeth, that the Master interrate
did not, nor could expend lesse than 137 li in necessary
charges for the sustenance of himselfe and Mariners
during their imprisonment, having not soe much as
the allowance of water from the king of Portugall And
further he cannot depose.

To the 7th and 8th Interrogatoryes he deposeth and saith that
the Master interrate had on board the said shipp at the
time she was seized or sequestred divers goods as seeds,
glasses, paper, silkes and other merchandizes, but to
what certaine value he knoweth not all which he lost
and was deprived of And he saith that the goods
and sixe monthes wages of 29 Mariners of the sayd
shipps Company amounteth and cometh unto 697 li 15 s
at least And further he cannot depose.

Thomas Sinnet [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


On the same day. [CENTRE HEADING]


Thomas Seaward of Rederith in the
County of Surrey Mariner, aged where he
hath lived about 6 yeares past aged 24
yeares, a wittnes produced sworne and examined
he deposeth and saith as followeth
