HCA 13/71 f.584r Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.584r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


called Hope Island and there caused about sixteene landsmen of his
Company to flea and blubber sea horses (which the dutch had
killed only to take the teeth of them) and imployed five shallopps crues
of the Owners Adventure to fetch the bloober aboard, and by
these meanes neglected the endeavouring to gaine a harbour,
which hee beleeveth hee might have done if hee had endeavoured
teh same, for that hee hath heard divers of the Companyes of the
sayd Pybus Welch Golding and Childs shipps and some of the Masters
them selves of the sayd shipps since their returne to London from the
voyage in question saye, that after they lost the Company of the
Owners Adventure and Greyhound that voyage, they gott into
harbour, some of them into Greene harbour, and others into Port Nick,
and there killed whales and made good voyages, And soe
hee beleeveth might the sayd damerell have done if hee
would have taken the advice of his Mate the sayd
Maundry, and have gone Northwards and made for Greene
harbour as hee advised him after his looseing the Company
of the fower London shipps, and not have gone with the dutch to the
Eastward as hee did: And saith hee knoweth of noe difference
or angrie words which passed betwixt the arlate damerelll Gosling or
Maundrie save those which as is predeposed happened while they
were in the Ice as aforesayd, and those hee saith were occasioned by the meanes
aforesayd And saith in his this deponents Judgment nothing at
any tyme spoken or done by the sayd Goslin or Maundrey or either
of them was any cause of the overthrowe of the voyage in question
or that it proved soe insuccessefull as it did, but the same
in his Judgment was occasioned by the sayd damerells goeing to
the Eastward with the dutch and not endeavouring to gett
to harbour as in probability hee might, as well as the other shipps
did, and by missing his opportunitie as aforesayd when hee was soe neere Bell Point/ And further hee cannot depose/

To the 12th hee saith hee hath knowne the arlate Maundrie
and Gosling for these eight or nyne yeares last past and hath knowne
them in that tyme make severall voyages to Greeneland as officers
of shipps, and hee this deponent hath gone three severall voyages (whereof the voyage in
question was one) with the sayd Gosling, and saith both the sayd Maundry
and Gosling ever since hee knew them, have bin accompted experi=
enced sea men and men well skilled in the Greeneland ffishing
and persons of good life and conversation and say as have
constantl discharged their places faithfully and soe they both did
in the voyage in question soe farr as this deponent could and did
observe, And further to this article hee cannot depose/
