HCA 13/71 f.583v Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.583v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


hath knowne the arlate Pybus Welch Goulding and Child and saith
hee knoweth they have bin severall tymes imployed in voyages to Greeneland
and are commonly reputed experienced men in the Greeneland fishing
And saith after the Owners Adventure and Greyhound were gotten out of the
Ice to sea againe and in Company of the shipps of the sayd Golding Welch
Pybus and Child, hee heard divers seamen of the Companyes of the sayd
shipp saye, that it was a very indiscreete part (in their Judgment) of
the sayd damerell to adventure into the Ice soe farr as hee did, and
that they conceived him to bee in great danger in goeing soe farr, And
hee saith the sayd Pybus his shipp by her goeing into the Ice (though not soe
farr as the sayd damerell) or in her workeing in againe, had a hole struck
in her Larboard Bowe with a tongue of Ice whereby shee received tenn
foote water in hold, and was in greate danger of sinkeing and had
undoubtedly perished had not the Companyes of the sayd Golding
Welch and Child their shipps and the Companyes of the Owners Adven=
ture and Greyhound (after they gott out of the Ice and came up to her) helped
to stoppe her leake and pumpe and bayle to cleere her of water
And hee saith in his deponents Judgment the Owners Adventure and
Greyhound when they were gone the sayd ffower myle byeyond the other shipps
and turned about to come out to sea, were about thirteene or twelve leagues
at least from shoare when they turned back, and in this deponents Judgment
the Ice was soe thicke towards shoare when they soe turned back, that in outwards
appearance there was farr greater danger to worke in tooward
shoare then to turne back and make out to sea againe, And further
saveing his foregoeing deposition hee cannot depose/

To the 10th and 11th hee saith that the sayd damerell after hee had
helped as aforesayd to preserve the sayd Pybus his shipp, did loose the
Company of the sayd Pybus Welch Golding and Child by stresse of
weather and foggues, and after hee had lost their Company did
keepe company and consorte him selfe with severall dutch shiipps and
goe on board of them and tooke presents of them as sea horse teeth and a holland cheese and went with them to the Eastward and never
endeavoured for a harbour, only hee went severall tymes to the edge
of the Ice, but seeing it thick returned back to sea againe, And saith that
after the sayd damerell had soe lost the company of the sayd fower English
shipps, the sayd Maundrey did advise the sayd damerell
to goe to the Northwards and to make for Greene harbour, but the sayd damerell
did not followe this advice but went to the Eastward with the fflemings
as aforesayd, and not getting into harbour there, the Company of
the Owners Adventure divers of them fell sick of the scurvie, and
some of the Greyhouns Company dyed thereof, which was occasioned
as hee this deponent beleeveth by reason of their not getting to some
harbour, and want of refreshment on shoare, all which the sayd Maundry and Gosling and the Company
of the sayd shipp patiently endured without disobeying the sayd
damerells Commands, And saith the sayd damerell
not mindeing (for ought appeared to this deponent) to make
for any harbour, went with two or three dutch shipps to a place