HCA 13/71 f.582v Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.582v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


sayd Goulding and Welch and asked them whether they would worke
further in or not, whereupon they replyed and sayd that they sawe noe
probability of getting in any further, and that they would worke out to sea
againe, and expect a better oportunitie or words to that effect whereto the sayd
damerell replyed and sayd if they would not, yet hee would worke further
in, or words to that effect, And thereupon continued his Commands to the
Company of the Owners Adventure and Greyhound to make ready to worke
further, whereupon the arlate Gosling having bin at rest in his Cabbin
(it not being his watch) heraring a noyse came up and in a Civill manner
asked of the sayd damerell whether hee meant to goe with the sayd shipp
whereto the sayd damerell in an angrie manner replyed and sayd
thus or the like in effect, what is that to you Jack an Apes, I looke not upon
you as one to bee made acquainted, whereto the sayd Goslin in a Civill
manner replyed and sayd thus or to the like effact, Sir I was told by the
Marchants when I was hyred that nothing should bee done in the
voyage, of great concernement without the advice of us your mates
(meaning him selfe and the sayd Maundrie) and of the harpooneeres,
and this is a matter of great concernement and may conserne
the shipp and our lives, and may tend to the advance or preiudice
of the voyage, therefore I pray you consider, for doubtlesse there are
as able men in the other shipps (meaning the shipps of the sayd Welch
Goulding Pybus and Child) as any of us and whoe would not bee backward
to advance their voyage in what they may, and if wee leave their
Company and come to any extremity wee may repent it too late
Whereupon the sayd damerell, without any other provocation given
him by the sayd Gosling then before is declared (soe farr as this
deponent could or did observe) spake in an angrie manner to the sayd
Gosling and sayd hee looked upon him, but as one of his Cabbin
boyes, and called him pimpeing Rogue or words to that effect
all which the sayd Gosling did beare with patience, and did not
saye or doe any thing to the preiudice of the voyage in question, but
both hee and the arlate Maundrie and the rest of the Owners Adventures
Company did helpe to towe and worke the sayd shipp further into
the Ice towards shoare according to the sayd damerells Commands
and did worke from that tyme on the 17th day of June aforesayd when
they lost the company of the other fower shipps, to the eighteeneth day
thereof, and in that tyme wrought her about fower myles further
into the Ice towards shoare then the other shipps whose Company
they had lost, And saith the words before mentioned passed bwtwixt
the sayd Gosling and damerell upon the forecastle of the Owners
Adventure publiquely in presence and hearing of this deponent and
divers others of the Owners Adventures Company And further to
these articles hee cannot depose./

To the 7th and 8th articles of the sayd allegation hee saith that of his this
deponents sight and observation the arlate Gosling and Maundrie during all