HCA 13/71 f.582r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/71 |
Folio | 582 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2013/08/30 |
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and the rest of the Owners Adventure in regard the sayd shipp was
then gotten soe neere Bell Point, did expect that the sayd damerell
would rather have come againe on board his owne shipp the Owners Adven=
ture and caused her to nee made fast to the Ice there, which if hee
had done, hee might in all probability have gotten with her safe into
Bell Sound, hee having then (in the Judgment of this deponent and in the
Judgment of divers others of the Owners Adventure (as hee heard them
alsoe saye) the most probable and fittest oportunity of getting into
harbour that presented it selfe during the sayd voyage And further
to this article hee cannot depose./
To the 4th 5th and 6th articles of the sayd allegation hee saith (for that hee kept a
noate or memoriall in writing of the tyme of the shipp Owners Adven=
ture upon the Coast of Greeneland and of the tymes of her passage
up and downe to severall places there) hee knoweth that
after the sayd damerell came from on board the sayd Pybus his shipp hee
kept company with the sayd Pybus his shipp and the shipps whereof Mr Golding
Welch and Child were masters, all shipps belonging to this Port of
London, till about the fifteenth day of
the sayd moneth of June last, and upon that fifteenth day of
the sayd damerell with his shipp the Owners Adventure (and the Greyhound
a Pinke belonging to her and alsoe under the Command of the sayd damerell
and the sayd Pybus Golding Welch and Child their shipps, began to worke
into the Ice togeather, and the Ice being very thick, they in about fower and
twenty howers space with hard labour gott about seaven leagues into
the Ice, and then all the sayd shipps (their companyes being tyred and the
Ice soe thicke that they could not well gett any further) made fast to the Ice
And the Owners Adventure and Greyhound and the sayd Welch and
Goldings shipps lying board and board one of an other, lashed fast
one of an other, and soe laye about tenn howers, in which tyme
the sayd damerell went on board the shipps of the sayd Goulding and
Welch, but what discourse there happened betwixt the sayd damerell and
them aboard their shipps hee knoweth not, but saith that upon the seaventeenth
day of the sayd Moneth of June the sayd damerell standing on board
the sayd Gouldings shipp, called to his Company of the Owners
Adventure and (in a bravado as hee this deponent beleeveth and
to expresse that hee would adventure further then any other shipps would)
bidd them and the Greyhounds Company loose their shipps and
strive to worke in further, and soone after hee came on board the
Owners Adventure, and renued his Commands, and commanded
the Company to make ready their shallops to worke
further in, And the Companyes of the Owners Adventure and
Greyhound beginning to loose the shipps and gett their shallopps
off of the Ice in order to obey the sayd damerells commands, the
sayd damerell from on board the Owners Adventure called to the