HCA 13/71 f.572r Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.572r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


that for that hee kept a Journall or diary of the particular passages
of the voyage in question hee thereby better remembreth and knoweth
that the articulate shipp the Plough with her homewards ladeing being bound
homewards from the Western Islands to London did meete with severall
stormes and tempests at sea and more especial on the seaventh day
of January last 1656 neere Saint Michaells Roade articulate shee mett with
a great storme of wynde hayle and rayne which continued with such
Extremity for about twenty fower howers tyme that the sayd shipps
company were forced to hand all their sayles saveing part of the
mayne sayle under which for only for some part of the sayd tyme they
were fayne to lye and the violence of the storme was such that is
brake against the sayd shipp with such violence that shee thereby received
into her much water and shee and her ladeing and Company by
reason of the water receaved were in much danger of perishing in the
sea and of looseing both the shipp, goods and their lives And further to
this article hee cannot depose

To the second for the reasons aforesayd hee saith hee well remembreth
that on the thirteenth day of the sayd moneth of January last the sayd
shipp the Plough being in Company with the articulte shipp the Prudent
Mary of which the articulate Salmon was Master or Commander
neere the Channell videlict a little without Scillie meete with
a dunkirke man of warr who chased both the sayd shipps into the
Channell and followed them all the sayd thirteenth day and untill
twelve of the Clock of the night following by meanes whereof
hee saith the sayd shipp the Plough her Company for the necessary
preservation of the sayd shipp and her ladeing and defending from seizure
were forced to open her lower ports and the weather being then very
tempestious and rough and the sea running high, the sayd shipp then
alsoe shipped in very much water, and the sayd shipp being by the
dunkirkers soe chaseing of her was forced soe farr to the Leewards
that after the dunkirker had left her, videlicet upon the sixteenth of the
same moneth the sayd shipps company to keepe her from the Lee shoare was
forced to carrie a pressed sayle, by meanes whereof the winde and
weather still continueing very tempestious and the sea very rough,
the articulate Noyes and Company were forced to open the hatches thereby
the better to preserve the shipp, her ladeing and their owne lives,
and saith the sayd hatches being of necessitie soe kept open and the
weather soe stormie the sayd shipp received in at her hatches
very much water these premises hee deposeth of his sight and
knowledge being Master's mate and on board And further to this article
hee cannot depose/

To the 3 article hee saith of his this deponents sight and knowledge the