HCA 13/71 f.571v Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.571v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the 4th hee saith hee hath heard the Cooper of the Anne
sayd that hee did give the foresayd Edmond Cowse a halfe of a
pipe of wyne which was somewhat sower and or decayed
and that the sayd Cowse upon ladeing thereof did give order that
the same should bee kept aboard to make beveridge of And saith
that the same was accordingly kept aboard and that the greatest part thereof
dranke out in Beveridge by the shipps Company before the sayd
daniell Jeggles knew thereof, and saith the sayd Jeggles after
hee knew thereof and had tasted it was angrie that the company
and drawne it soe neere out and sayd it might have bin sold to
better advantage for the owners or to that effect, and in his anger
threw a billet against the head off it, which staved part of the head and
some smale quantities of that decayed wine which was left did runne out
and the rest was saved and made beveridge of for the use of the company
but the dammage done thereto by the staveing was of little or noe
value And further to this Interrogatory hee cannot answere./

To the 5th Interrogatory, hee saith hee heard the Interrogate Jeggles
since his comming home from the voyage in question sayd that the Interrogate Edmond Cowse did at Barbadoes
from Virginia in case hee could not at Virginia get freight
for her for London or holland And saith the Anne was a shipp of the
burthen of two hundred and twenty tonns or thereabouts And
further saving his foregoeing deposition hee cannot answere/

To the 6th hee saith that hee knoweth that the Anne could not have
bin better repaired (with such things as she wanted) at Barbados
then at Virginia, nor soe well, for that hee knoweth Virginia
affordeth masts and tymber, which Barbados hee knoweth doth not,
And saith hee knoweth when the shipp Anne putt into Plymouth
the winde was not fayre for the downes, And to the rest of
the Interrogatory saving his foregoing deposition hee cannot

William Jeggeles [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


The 6th of March 1656

A business of examination of wittnesses ad perpetuam rei)
memoriam touching certaine stormes which happened}
to the shipp called the Plough of which Philip Noyes}
is or was Master and whatsoever goods on board the}
same lately brought in the sayd shipp from the}
Westerne Islands to this Port of London promoted}
by the sayd Noyes against all who have or pretend}
interest in the sayd shipp and her ladeing: Suckley}

Examined upon an allegation given
and admitted on the behalfe of the
sayd Phillip Noyes

Rp. 1

Walter Webber of Rederiff
Wall in the parish of Saint Mary Magdalen
Bermondsey Mariner Masters Mate
of the shipp the Plough aged thirty fower
yeares or thereabouts a wittnesse sworne and
examined saith as followeth videlicet

To the first article of the sayd allegation hee saith and deposeth